Hogwarts Raid/Muggle Shopping - Chapter 4

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Next morning we all ate breakfast then checked out the armory. We found six more learning bows, four learning crossbows, twenty crates and ten quivers full of arrows and bolts, twenty swords made of both goblin steel and regular steel, sixteen twin double edge short swords made of both goblin steel and regular steel, thirty daggers made of both goblin steel and regular steel, ten throwing daggers, three polearms made of goblin steel and six one-handed spiked maces made of both goblin steel and regular steel.

I say, "So looks like we need practice arrows and bolts, so if they break no big deal, practice weapons (swords, twin short swords, daggers, polearms, and maces) so nobody gets severely hurt. Remus can you start taking all the trunks to the ballroom, then empty all of them except furniture, animals, Muggle money and weapons then take inventory. Asks the elves to label chests before repacking and hopefully that will free a couple of chests. I need two multicompartment trunks for the Chamber of Secrets and Room of Requirement."

Sirius asks, "What do you need from those rooms?" I say, "Well of course, books, bags, trunks, etc."

I ask, "Dobby do you think Hogwarts elves or Hogwarts herself will help me find the Founders lost areas to prevent Dumbledore from destroying them? Also, do you think you can pop me right into the Chamber, if not then the Room of Requirements, directly? Can you and couple other elves help sort the Room of Missing Items for books, bags, trunks and any interesting items? I believe that Ravenclaws Diadem is there, unfortunately I believe Voldomort made it a Horcrux. So if found, levitate into a bag and pop to Radnok directly but be sure to tell him what is in bag before leaving."

Dobby says, "I can ask Hogwarts elves but you have to ask Holly/Hogwarts about rooms. I can take to Hogwarts not Room or Chamber mes sorry but I know room not wards can go then pop in front of other rooms plus you have cloak too and maybe Kretcher might go with Chamber if ask. Two elves with mes should do Room." I respond, "Perfect Dobby. Kretcher." Kretcher replies, "Yes, Mistress" I ask, "Would you like to help me pack the Chamber of Secrets and Room of Lost Items." Kretcher just nods fast.

I turn to the last two Marauders and Weasley twins and asks, "Are there any other hidden areas that you know of in Hogwarts that may hold the Founders paintings or Founders rooms with books or other important artifacts that Dumbledore will destroy if found, that I should check out?" All four look at me thinking then just shake their heads no.

I say, "I should be back by lunch but if we find Founders rooms I'll send Dobby back for more help, if needed. In the mean time pack up everything not being used here in the Manor and I'll see you soon." Dobby, Kretcher and I pop to the room Dobby talked about. While Dobby talked to Hogwarts elves, I talked to Holly/Hogwarts about Founders paintings and areas to prevent Dumbledore from destroying them. Holly agreed to help with elves. All Founders paintings and rooms were found.

I left a group painting in the upper tower hidden for Holly, making Holly so happy she cried. Individual paintings with copies of course books from Founders era including updates along with all other courses removed by Dumbledore were left for Professor McGonagall, hidden away so that Dumbledore won't be able to find.

Books, plants, seeds, money, gems, ward stones, bedrooms, 10 goblin made swords, 8 bows and so much more were discovered in Founders areas. The elves and I found several trunks, bags, and books in Room of Requirement plus the Ravenclaw Diadem which was immediately sent to Radnok.

Kretcher helped me pack up the Chamber of Secrets finding Salazars potion lab, bedroom, other furniture, a chamber filled with money and jewels, books, plants, seeds and weapons-all bladed weapons are goblin made (10 bows, 8 crossbows, 20 swords, 8 twin double edge short swords, 30 daggers). Then Kretcher and I popped back into the Room of Requirement, since already in use, to help finish what ever was left.

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