Returned Home - Chapter 16

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As I'm about to storm in Amelia says, "Wait, go in like nothing is wrong and then blast him with list of crimes!" I say, "Ok but that list is quite extensive. Let's go!" We walk in the doors to find chaos. I yell, "ENOUGH, WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH ALL OF YOU." Turning directly to Dumbledore saying, "I see you are sitting there doing nothing, just watching the chaos. I, Lady Harriet Lillian Potter-Peverell, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hogwarts, Gaunt, Evanson, Emrys and Pendragon, Heiress Black, hereby place Albus too many middle names Dumbledore under arrest for trial here and now, so I say, so mote it be.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore you are hereby accused of attempted line theft, stealing from the Ancient and Noble Houses of Potter and Black, child endangerment, child neglect, casting spells on minors, oblivates, potioning students for at least two generations, blocking magical cores on at least ten people including me, making yourself my magical guardians illegally, trying to make an illegal marriage contract which was nullified, performing Legilimency on me as a student multiple times, blocking my magical talents, blocking my creature inheritance, tampering with Hogwarts Wards, stealing Hogwarts magic, false imprisonment of an innocent man and there is more but that is just a start."

Everyone was shouting when I noticed Dumbledore trying to sneak out, so I tied him to his stupid throne and taking his wand handing it to Madame Bones. Madame Bones puts magic surpressing cuffs on Dumbledore which releases all of Hogwarts magic that he was stealing, thank Circe. I provide evidence for everything I have said, projecting it to the wall for everyone to see. At this point both Ron and Ginny Weasley plus Hermione Granger are saying everything is a fake.

I ask Professors Flitwich, McGonagall and Snape to verify that this came directly from Gringotts. I then say, "We can do the tests again if you wish! Professor Snape would you make the potion if I let you for just this once use the recipe provided by King Radnock himself?" Professor Snape says, "Yes, but please let Professor Flitwich verify the recipe is from the King, to satisfy the masses."

I hand the recipe to Professor Flitwich who says, "It has the Goblin Kings Royal mark, it is genuine." He then hands it Professor Snape, who says, It will take a hour to make. I'll be back after completion." I than say, "Professor Flitwich can you verify Gringotts paper and dagger or would you feel more comfortable for me to contact King Radnock instead?" He just nods about the King, so I send a message via the box, then ask Holly to let them in. I look at Professor McGonagall asking, "Would you meet King Radnock at the gate with Professor Flitwich, please?" They both leave and come back a couple minutes later with King Radnock and his guards.

I bow and say, "Hello King Radnock, may you gold forever flow!" He says, "May your enemies fall bloody at your feet!" I say, "Soon!" Which we both start laughing. I say, "To keep everything honest, I was wondering if you would redo my tests for Dumbledore's trial, Professor Snape is brewing the potion. Don't worry he cant copy the recipe. I spelled it so nobody can make the potion or copy the recipe without explicit permission. I said he could make it only this one time so. Did you happen to bring paper and dagger? So they cannot say I somehow did something to ones you gave me." I transfigure a stylish table and chairs for us to sit. King Radnock brings out parchment and dagger setting them on the table.

We talk about how things have been going in the last year, how we cleared out most of the United States with help from what is left of MACUSA, how we cleared out The Leaky Cauldron, all the Alleys and Hogsmead. I showed him my new wand which Granger tried grabbing but I slapped her hand. I explained how we helped whatever survivors we found. We were constantly interrupted by Miss Granger, I had enough and said, "Miss Granger is there a reason you keep interrupting a private conversation? I imagine, you believe yourself entitled to correct everyone with your limited knowledge but I'm sorry you're not. Please keep your nosy-self out of my conversation, but if you persist we can have a duel. You have been learning all methods of dueling correct, weapons and all?"

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