chapter 6[The past]

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Sol was peeking through between the closet doors when they suddenly felt their hand touching a rough cloth.

It was a doll. Sol wondered how they are able to touch things when they are a ghost, are they still alive and just hiding under a piece of the sheet? But Sol notice that their hand is very different from the others, it was just floating, pale-ish brownish red glowing hands. Sol never noticed that they have hands, they always thought that their whole body or soul was covered by a piece of the sheet.

Sol looked back at the doll before noticing a figure standing in front of the door. Sol looked through the doors of the closet and noticed that it was Fred the dog. The dog began scratching on the closet's door, Sol was startled by the scratching but opened the door to let the dog in. The dog saw the doll that Sol was holding and sniffed it, the dog seem to recognize the scent that the doll has, the dog then gently bit the doll and pulled it away slowly, Sol let the dog take the doll away and watch him go to the living room carrying the doll in his mouth

Sol waited for a few minutes before hearing the sound of cries. Sol peeked around the corner and saw Miss. Paige's daughter crying as she hold the doll, Sol wondered why she was crying. "Mom? Why are you crying?" Her daughter asked, "this doll is the doll that he gave me when I was still a child". Sol observed from the corner as they listened to what they were saying.

A few minutes later Miss. Paige took her daughter to her room and explained to everyone why she was crying and everyone finally understand the situation. The doll was given to Miss. Paige's daughter when she was still a child. The doll accompanied her when she was sad, and when her dad is away, the doll often reminded her of him, that's why she loved it so much, she loved her doll as much as she loved her dad because he made it for her. Sol also became saddened, as they listen to Miss. Paige's brittle voice.

Sol's vision fades into a memory, a memory of when they spent their time with their dad. Suddenly they felt like they were a doll and a girl was playing with them, "Lulu" the girl said, this made Sol confused about who they really are, were they a doll? Or were they someone? They don't know.

Sol snapped back and a sad mood filled the room. Sol wondered what to do or if should they lighten the mood, if they are gonna lightened the moon then how? They will be terrified when they see Sol. They spent a while thinking about how to help them when the dog suddenly lay his head on Miss. Paige's lap. Miss Paige stared at her dog for a while before petting him and watching his tail wag, seeing her dog wag its tail cheered up Miss. Paige qs she remembers the first time she met her dog, Fred.

It was a normal sunny day when Miss. Paige and her daughter who was 13 were walking on the street when they pass by an adoption center, Miss. Paige's daughter begged her to let them adopt a puppy, Miss. Paige thought of it for a while before she sighs and agreed with her daughter. They walked by a lot of dogs and cats when Miss. Paige's daughter caught her eye on a german shepherds pup, she instantly fell in love with him and asked Miss. Paige if they can bring that one home? Miss Paige Saw how much her daughter love the pup and agreed, they adopted the little puppy and named him Fred.

Fred made their family much happier. Fred accompanied them ever since they chose him as a part of their family, he never tried to run away because why would he? He doesn't have a reason to run away anyway, but what about curiosity? That didn't let him run away either, if he wanted to explore new areas, he would make sure that his family let him go and he would always make sure to keep an eye on Lucinda, Miss Paige's daughter.

Fred loves his family and his family loves him, it was truly a happy family until the house got quieter as Lucinda went to go to college and eventually moved out to live with her husband. and one day Lucinda came back but not because of a happy reason, she came back to attend her father's funeral, he died at the age of 52 from cancer. Lucinda stayed at her mom's house along with her family for a while to keep her mom accompanied.

Lucinda remembered all the times she spent with her dad and wished that she could spend more time with her dad.

Sol felt how their sadness but Fred cheered them up, Sol was happy that they were happy but was also sad that they just stand there and do nothing.

{Chapter 6 end}

Author's note: it a sad chapter here but I promise you I'll give you a happy chapter next week, also good luck with shcool, I wish you the best

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