5 Shocked

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Ellie POV

I hummed softly to the music playing on the radio while I chopped the vegetables for my meal with Damian. He should be here any minute. I had taken advantage of the fact that I had finished earlier than him and had gone shopping quickly. It had not been so easy to find something that was quick and yet delicious. Finally I decided on a stir-fry of vegetables with beef and rice.

It took a little time to chop everything, but it all came together quickly in the pan. I was just finished and washed my hands when my phone rang. I thought at first that it was Damian. But I quickly realized with annoyance that it was my sister again.

"What do you want now?" I said as soon as I accepted the call.

"You know exactly what I want. And I'm going to keep calling until I get it. You ruined my party, Ellie! You were rude, not only to me but to the rest of the family and my friends. Apologize and then I can think about forgiving you." she hissed.

God, how could she be so overbearing? Did she really think the whole world revolved around her? As if she hadn't already made my life hell enough. And she had never once thought about apologizing to me.

If I had my way, she could wait for her apology until pigs learned to fly or until hell froze over. And even then, her chances were very slim.

"Guess what... I can do without you forgiving me.... Just like I'm not going to forgive you. Go complain to dad. That's what you like to do. Just leave me alone. I expect company while I'm having a rare evening at home. I don't intend to waste another second of it with you. Bye." I said and ended the call before she could say another word.

And then the doorbell rang. I took a deep breath before opening the door. I drove away the thoughts of the call so that I could fully concentrate on the man who was now standing in front of me.

"Hi..." I breathed as I looked into his eyes.

"Hi. Are you okay?" asked Damian as he walked into my apartment and pulled me closer with a hand on my hip.

"Perfect." I replied and gave him a little kiss.


"Why don't you let me do the dishes? It's not fair... You already cooked." said Damian after we finished our meal.

I was standing at the sink washing dishes when he wrapped his long arms around me from behind so he could pull me close. I leaned against him and turned my head to the side.

"You're my guest, D. And you had a match. Relax. After all, you promised me dessert." I said with a smirk.

"Oh, I think it's about time for that. What do you think?" he asked, turning me around to face him and removing the rubber gloves I was wearing before he simply lifted me up.

I quickly wrapped my legs around his middle and looked deep into his dark, oh so warm eyes. Without saying a word he carried me back to the living room. He laid me down on the couch. But before my back touched the cushions his hot lips were already on mine.

My head began to swim when I suddenly heard someone clearing his throat. I opened my eyes and looked over Damian's shoulder and my heart almost stopped.

"What the hell?" I screeched, startling D.

He sat up and looked around. His eyes landed dead on the man standing in the middle of my living room, just as mine did.

"How did you get in here, Scott? Get out!" I asked breathlessly as I broke away from Damian to stand up.

"You didn't lock the door, as usual. I don't think we've met.... Scott Henderson. Ellie's fiancé." he said to Damian.

I was shocked. So was Damian.

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