20 The most important question

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Damian POV

Today was the day. Our wedding day. And I had to admit that I expected to be way more nervous than I actually was. The smile on my face was my ever-present companion as I stood in front of our guests waiting for my Ellie.

It was a beautiful, warm spring day. The sun was shining and making the lake water sparkle. Birds chirped above our heads while the light breeze carried the scent of the blooming flowers and trees to us.

I tried to take in every detail because I knew that as soon as my eyes fell on my bride, I would not notice anything else. But that also meant that I had to concentrate hard so that she would not forget my vows. After all, I didn't want to read it off the note that was in the inside pocket of my suit jacket. I wanted to look Ellie in the eye while saying these words.

And then it was already time. The music changed and the guests rose from their chairs. There she was. My bride. On the arm of her mother and so beautiful that it took my breath away. She wore a simple white dress, no tulle or lace, that accentuated her curves magnificently. Ellie looked so glamorous. Like a Hollywood star. With the hair down in waves and the, matching the flowers, red lipstick.

Slowly, she strode toward me. Almost in the same rhythm as my heartbeat. Ellie had the most beautiful, radiant smile on her lips. Stunning... simply stunning.

And then, finally, she was with me. I took her hand in mine and knew that I had to hold on to this woman forever.

Without taking our eyes off each other, we listened to the words of the minister. It was a simple ceremony with the traditional words. Just the way we had wanted it to be.

When it was time for the vows, Ellie began hers. Because she said she wasn't sure she would be able to get a word out after mine.

"Damian... I never thought a favor could turn into something for life, but here we are. I stand before you, holding your strong hands and looking into the eyes of my future. You have quickly become my home that I didn't even know I was looking for. Something about your voice, your gaze and the way you hold me in your arms tells me that I will always be safe. 

You have no idea how fast my heart beats when you flash me your smile. You have changed my life. In the best way I can imagine. Thank you, Damian. Thank you for your love, your support, your compassion. I promise to always be there for you. I will be your strong shoulder as you are mine. I promise you that everything will be all right as long as we stand side by side, hand in hand.

I don't know if I can describe how incredibly happy you make me. And I hope that I make you just as happy. In this moment, in the next year and for the rest of our lives. I love you. And I'm waiting impatiently for what's to come," Ellie said, tears glistening not only in her eyes. 

I swallowed to pull myself together. It was an important moment and every word I was about to say was important.

"Ellie, my beautiful Ellie.... It's possible that you can hear my heartbeat at this moment and I want you to know that it beats only for you. You have quickly and undeniably become the most important person in my life. In the short moment when I thought I had lost you, I realized how much I have gained in my life since I was allowed to love you.

I need your love like the air I breathe. And I want it in exactly this way. I never want to escape it. You are my first thought in the morning and the last before I fall asleep. I can't imagine my life without you. Together with you, I want to face whatever fate has planned for us. Ellie-Bell... I love you. I need you and I will never let you go, because I am not strong enough for that.

When you touched my life, you changed it for all eternity. You made me feel things I never felt before. You gave me a piece that I have always missed. Through you, my love, I became the real me" I said as I tried not to let my emotions get the better of me.

"And now that Eleanor and Damian have let us all in on how deep their love is, it's time to ask them the most important question of the day.

Eleanor, do you take Damian to be your lawfully wedded husband?" said the minister.

"A thousand times I do!" she said in a firm voice, smiling at me.

"Damian, I ask you too. Do you take Eleanor to be your lawfully wedded wife?" wanted to know.

"A thousand times I do!" I said, winking at Ellie.

"Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. Damian, you may kiss your bride." he continued.

This was something he didn't have to tell me twice. I carefully wrapped my wife in my arms and kissed her for the first time as her husband to the loud cheers of our families and friends. But neither Ellie nor I paid much attention to that. At that moment, there were only the two of us in this world.

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