08| she'd kick you out

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HI, first off SORRY for the blue balls of waiting for an update 😫 had a huge writers block ffs, and tt and my life took everything out of me!

But here's the new chapter. I's kinda meh, beside levi down bad almost submessive intrusive thoughts toward u but yeah have gun anyways u dirty hoes xoxo
(I mean that in the nicest way)


You are so damn happy.

The way he holds your hips, the way his beautiful small grey eyes are admiring your face, the way how his eyes speak more than words ever could. ..

You must be in some kind of a dream because no men did admire you as much with their eyes as he does in that moment. What might be in his mind?
Men, you wish you could read his mind.

Then, out of sudden something in his eyes change and you get confused real quick. You can't read his eyes at all anymore, they ain't speaking like they did before.

Levi fumbles with the hem of your shirt and squeezes your back softly.

You start to worry that something might be off and brush with the back of your hand over his cheek to give him a bit of comfort.
"What is it, Levi?"

He doesn't answer directly which makes you a bit anxious. What is going on?

Another squeeze of his hand to your hipbone is done, before he slowly lets his  hand fall and tries everything to not to look in your face.

He's avoiding you.
His body language tells you, that he is.

"Pluto, as much as I want this... we can't"

The words came out of nowhere and ring in your ears like a trigger.

You stare at him in confusion, not really getting what he said just seconds ago.

Levi knits his eyebrows together and bites his bottom lip. He hates himself more than you ever could hate him at all. You are his strong addiction, like a fucking drug and now he has to cut that off. He knows way to well that he did a mistake with kissing and touching you in that way he did, even though he more than enjoyed those few moments of intimacy with you.

He will be so fucking damned.

"We can't continue"

Your answer comes almost instantly, as your eyebrows knit together in high confusion and somehow corncerned as well.

You ask, your voice is concerned, mad and questionable at the same time. He doesn't know how that works, but what he knows that your heart started to race in your little chest.

This has to be a fucking joke, you think.  You feel how your skin beginns to burn and all you can ask yourself, is if he's kidding, pulling some bad as fuck joke and would grab your waist soon again to continue kissing you.

But his body is stiff, like he froze up and the way he's trying to avoid your gaze, tells you otherwise.
Why is this happenening?

You let your hand fall to his chest, placing your hand on it, slightly grabbing the shirt he's wearing today, before you loosen the grip again and let your hand fall off of his body completely.

Levis inner urge is to put your hand up to his chest again because he loves the warmth it sends to his undead body.
He wants to grab your waist and pull you closer to him, kiss your lips and neck- simply continue.

But he can't.

This is so, so unfair.

"There are many reasons why, Pluto"
He answers, without really answering your question. You don't miss that.

Bittersweet Blood [Vamp! Levi X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now