09| if you want it...

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Hi girlypops ;)

Had some troubles with the chapter but here it is. Be prepared for a long ass chapter.

Important: this chapter WILL contain, abuse of power, sexual assualt [and implied rape], anxiety attacks. If one of those toppics may trigger you, please be cautious of reading this chapter.

But there will be big fluff in the end hehe xoxo

Disclaimer: I didn't have a final look at it so sorry for typing and grammatical errors huh

Levi finds himself opening his eyes in a room he cannot recognize at first. His vision is blurry as he opens his eyelids and the subtle daylight makes his eyes close again for a second.

His smell tells him that he's not at his residence, but he still knows this smell.

As his vision gets sharp he finally recognizes where he is- he's in the Smiths residence.
Levi tries to get up on his arms, but he still feels a bit worn out and coughes a few times, deciding to stay in his laying position.

Then he recognizes the little needle in the back of his hand, surrounded by bandages. A long thin tube connects him with a Infusion of a red substance- blood.

What the-?

Fuck, what happend? Why does he feel so weak after all? And why is he at Erwins house?

So many questions.

He tilts his head to the window, it's about sunset. The bright red merges into a sheer orange and yellow slightly embracing the almost bare trees outside. They barley got any leaves on them- fuck how long was he passed out?

Sure autumn begann already, but now the leaves are almost gone? Shit, it had to be quite alot of time.

Levi sights and furrows his eyebrows.

The you came up into his mind again.
Wait, shit-. What about you? He doesn't know how long he was passed out, but he knows you already noticed his missing presence. The last word exchange was a little fight, oh god. He hopes that you don't think anything bad of him.

What a timing.
Levi wants to smack his head against a wall.

Next thing he hears is a loud bang at the door to his room followed by a shrill and yet happy voice saying "Leviii, can I come in? I know your deadass is awakeee"

Levi sighs as he recognizes Hanges voice.
"Then the fuck asking, if u come in anyways?"

The door goes open and Hange comes in, silently closing the door.
"Nah, Levi... " they switch on the light in his room and Levi shuts his eyes for a moment.

They move to the bed Levi is laying in and takes a seat, legs crossed, slightly hovering themself over him.

"How are you?" They continue, asking with pure honesty and care.

"Could be better though- what happened?"
His voice is still a bit raspy and darker than usual.

Hange shifts a bit closer to him, adjusting their glasses and puts their hand on his forehand.
Levi furrows his eyebrows once angain and shakes his head away.

He's not a baby.

"Well, your temperature is quite okay again. Finally."
They murmur, somehow in relief.

"Hange." Levi says, "what happened?"

They sigh and sit straight up again. For a minute silence fills the room.

"Hey glasses, I am talking to you."

Hange looks at him, and for the first time he sees that they are concerned about him but not in that happy joy way he's used to- no they are really concerned.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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