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Apo open up his eyes, he was laying on the dry leaves that cover the dirt on the ground. He get up and found out that, he is no where to be recognize. It was so dark and foggy. There is a big tree surround him. It look like the wood in his dream.

Apo took a step forward and continued by walking, he try to find a way out from the wood. The deeper he get inside the wood the foggiest it becomes until it all became white.

Apo look around nothing but white. Suddenly a bright yellowish light rush toward him. Using both of his hand Apo block the light from getting inside his eyes.

When the light gone, he open up his eyes. Infront of him right now there is a rusty gate cover with vine

 Infront of him right now there is a rusty gate cover with vine

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"A gate!!, this must be the way out." Said Apo.

His face light up with joy, without wasting time Apo rush toward the gate and enter in.

Once he enter in, the fog was so thick. He can't even see a pathway. Apo close his eyes and open it back with a golden shine eyes.

His pupil is oval shape, blaming flame, No one knows that Apo has a Phoenix eyes

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His pupil is oval shape, blaming flame, No one knows that Apo has a Phoenix eyes. Except Apo himself.

Eyes of Phoenix is the sign that you're a member of the western royal families. The Phoenix give it power to the western royal families in change of protection from the royal families.

But only if the creatures are in the urgent situation like Apo now.

Not far from him there is an abandoned mansion, without any hesitation Apo walk near the Mansion. Apo have arrived infront of the mansion door. He try to push the door but without force, the door open by it self. Apo walking inside the mansion as fast as lightning. But he found nothing, it seems that the mansion is truly abandon.

Apo stood still, he keep thinking that what the reasons he was brought here. It can't be just an empty mansion.. It must be a reason.

Apo walk outside the mansion trying to find a clue since he straight getting inside the mansion without chacking out the outside first. After 5 minute searching for a clue, An door with a spell lock caught his attention.

It weird, because all the door to every room inside mansion is unlock plus this door has a spell lock on it. There must be something important inside.

Apo calm down himself than he put the palm of his hand near to the spell lock... Golden glow shines throw Apo palm. The door was unlock successfully. It reviled the stairs that goes deep into the unknown.

Apo carefully step his left leg on the stairs using his right hand as the light. Apo walk down following the stairs. Apo has following the stairs for 7 minute now but still haven't arrived to the ground. Apo gain more suspicious, why is the stairs was so deep.

After almost ten minutes Apo follow the stairs he finally found the ground. Surprisingly the ground was lid up with torches. There is the door infont of him but he heard something unusual, he can hear a voice of draco...

Immediately Apo use an invisible spell on himself. He enter the door and was shock by what he was seeing right now. It was a big ground with iron bar divided into room. At one glance it look like a prison cell.

Apo walk slowly not to woke up the draco that was sleeping not for from him. He walk closer to the iron bar.

What he saw now is more shocking. Inside the bar there is a creatures that was chain by the neck to the wall. More than 20 creture in one bar. Apo look at other bar, it also with the same conditions. Suddenly Apo smell something weird it like a pheromone. It weard dark creatures didn't have any pheromone unless it a light creatures.. Unless it a



"HA... HAA.. HA... HA.."

Apo suddenly woke up, he found out that he is on the bad. He started to panicking.

"Human.., those are human." Said Apo worried.

Build who just walk in holding a tray of food rush to Apo. He put the tray on top of the lamp table besides Apo bed.
Build hold Apo arm and try to calm him down.

"Apo.. Apo.. Po..!! Hey it me.. Biu.." Said Build

"Bui.. Pleasehelpthosehumantheyare child capturebydrao.." Said Apo taking fast making Build didn't understand a single word he said.

Hey.., okay, OK, Calm down.., drink this, than take a deep breath and talk slowly" said Build giving Apo instructions while giving him a glass of blood.

Apo took the glass of blood that given by build and drink. Once Apo finished drinking the blood he take a deep breath and hold Build hand.

Apo close his eyes both of his hand that hold Build hand shine a golden glow. Apo is transferring a piece of his memories to Build. This technique called BONDING.

Build saw an abandoned mansions, than a spell lock door, the basement cell and chain human. The golden glow vanish, build was shock. He was too stunned to speak.

He suddenly stand up,

"I need to reported this to my father, immediately." Said build stand up from Apo bed rushed to give the news to his father. Build Apo hold his arm.

"Don't rush cousin, this is not the right time, plus the location of this mansion was still blurry." Said Apo try to calm his cousin down.

"Po.. The faster we act, the quicker we solve this matter." Said Build back.

"Biu I understand, but atleast let me heal first. Said Apo lay his back on a pillow." Beg Apo to his cousin.

"Sorry.. I'm overreacting am I?" Apologize Build.

"Haha.. As always" teasing Apo.

Suddenly a sound of knock at the door.

"Come in." said Apo without and suspicion.

Three beautiful vampire walk in. Jimin, Taeyang and Princess Lilly. Once thay looking at Apo who is laying with pain on the bad, Jimin and Teayang rush towards Apo...

"Hyeong... What happened, whay are you suddenly sick."

"Huhuhu... Hyeong is sick, Tae didn't even know hua... 😭😭."

"Aww don't cry my baby bear, I'm okay, said Apo trying to calm down this brother.

Teayang is crying inside Apo hug while Jimin is standing beside Princess Lilly watching free drama from his twin brother.

"Don't you this that my twin is overreaction?" Whisper Jimin to Lilly.

"Kinda, put arn't you worry about prof conditions?"  Asked Lilly

"I'm but, Hyeong is strong person so I'm less worried, since he is safe. I'm relief." Said jimin replaying liliy question.


A/N: Hey guys🙋‍♂️.. Finally after a long hiatus and finally discharge from hospital I'm 🤗🤗. For you who ask why did I get into the hospital.. Don't worry it a small matter. So is they any of you who is still waiting for this story to be continue.. Please comment na.. Okay that all guys..  See you on next updated bye-bye 😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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