Chapter 4: Ambitions

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Over the next four moons flamepaw repeated the same routine each day clan work, apprentice training and duties then pretend to sleep and sneak out to meet vex.  Now he was practicing a leap and twist he had shown him that ensured the enemy wouldnt have time to react before his claw were at their throat, while he was practicing he noticed a really pretty she-cat pad out and walk up to vex they started talking and suddenly vex turned away, the she-cat looked hurt and turned away with her head and tail down. Flamepaw pitied her, she must have been here to ask vex to train her and he said no, some cats just arent special enough to get to train with the knowledgeable loner.  "Hey vex!" Flamepaw turned towards him "can you watch me do the leap and twist im sure ive got it right!" Vex hummed and padded over "lets see what you've got" flamepaw dropped into a crouch and crept backwards, then shot forwards and up, once he was sure about how high he was he flicked the tip of his tail and twisted around , landing on the ground he flicked his paw forward and stopped, panting he casted a glance at vex, the loner looked smug "you know out of all the cats ive come across who asked me to train them, you pick up the moves the quickest" flamepaw puffed out his chest "was that who that she-cat was?" Vex flicked his ear uncomfortably "er no she was... Just a cat who was curious about what we were doing.  Too curious" listen flamepaw as much as i love teaching you i think its time for me to move on from this place atleast for leaf-bare " flamepaw jerked back "what?" Vex huffed "prey is scarcer during leaf-bare, if i stick around I'll end up running into some of your clanmates eventually, then we wouldnt even be able to train and meet like this" vex started padding away, ill be back when leaf-bare is over, we'll continue our training then, for now get back to your nest. The suns rising" and with that he was gone flamepaw glared at the horizon 'stupid sun, stupid rules, stupid leaf-bare'.

Flamepaw had just snuck into his nest when he heard his clanmates waking up, groaning inwardly he pretended to be fast asleep as spottedmoon poked his head in and called for sheeppaw, later dawnwhisp poked her head in and called out renpaw "-oh and flamepaw?" Flamepaw "groggily" raised his head "murkcloud wants you on den duty" flamepaws fur bristled for but a moment before he nodded and she left the den, eventually, after sulking in the den for a bit, he padded out of his den and gazed around. The camp was empty save for rookstar's kits blizzardkit and frostkit, snowbur, and petalbreeze. Grumbling he made his way to the nursery and started gathering up old moss.  After he had gather it all to the front of the den he went to pick it up when he heard barking, bristling flamepaw darted out of the den to see snowbur protecting the kits from a massive dog, drawing his lip back in a snarl he hurled himself across the clearing and did the leap and twist he had just learned.  Landing on its back he sank his claws in and bit down on its ear, it let out a sqeal before violently whipping around flinging him this way and that. He dug his claws in harder and struggled to hold on, finally after what felt like an eternity he was thrown loose and thumped into the camp wall, dazed he struggled to find his footing as he heard the dog pounding closer he had just stopped swaying when he glanced up, it was in front of him.  He froze eyes widening with terror as he stared straight into its open mouth, jerking backwards he narrowly missed getting his face torn into, as he reeled his paws slipped and he fell onto his side.  Before he could get back up giant paws slammed down ontop of him, pinning him down, as he stared up at death itself his mind threw every possible thought out 'NO, I CANT DIE LIKE THIS.  I WANNA MAKE UP WITH RUSSETFANG, I WANT TO BECOME A WARRIOR, MOM DAD IM SORRY I COULDNT BE STRONGER!'  flamepaw braced himself as the dog lunged downwards with its slobbering jaws open 'IM SORRY!'.

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