stand up - the team

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tw: eating disorder and a not so good family home
summary: you stand up for a girl when nobody else sees the signs

tw: eating disorder and a not so good family home summary: you stand up for a girl when nobody else sees the signs

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You know the signs. You know them like the back of your hand. You know when there is something wrong, you know when someone tries to distract you, so it looks like they eat, you know when someone wears more clothes, you know when the people around you don't see the signs, because you had gone through the same thing.

And maybe this case was hitting a bit too close to home. And you should be happy, because the case was solved, everything went good.

But you could not get your mind of Charlotte Kingsman, the girl who looks like every teenage girl, but troubles with something and you know it. She reminds you of yourself. This girl is trying to survive.

Charlotte was being targeted and needed to stay at the station with her parents. She is the queen b at her school and that's why she did not like being at the station one bit, making complaints every time. But you could see past her appearance. You saw how she acted when she thought she was alone.

You also saw how her parents treated her.

Saw how her mother looked at you when you wanted to give Charlotte something to eat. How Charlotte looked down after a conversation with her mom. How they acted like snobs, saying that staying at the station is bad for their reputation, making everything about themselves, not caring one time that their daughter is a target.

That their daughter is probably feeling so helpless and scared right now. That their daughter is having problems for months. That their daughter needs help. And that she needs their support.

So, when the team and you were finishing up at the station and you heard the mother say to Charlotte "We need to look after a new diet for you. This whole food they've been serving you was bad. You probably gained a few pounds." you lost it. By the looks from the team they wanted to rip the mothers head of, but they were suprised by your next words.

"Ok, what is wrong with you?" you say to her as you make your way over and stand infrint of her, her husband and Charlotte. "Excuse me?" she responds in an offended tone. They were not the only ones, because Emily let out a gasp, Hotch was ready to pull your head off and her husband was looking really angry.

"I mean what the hell is wrong with you? What gives you the right to talk your daughter like that?" you say while taking a glance at Charlotte, who was ducking her head.

"I'm sorry, Agent. But it does not concern you how I talk to my daughter. And if you don't get away from me, right now, I will file a complaint against you." she says to you, giving a deadly stare.

Morgan was on his way to you, taking your arm to get you away from the scene, to not get into any more trouble, but you ripped your arm away, "Mrs. Kingsman, it does concern me, when I'm the only one who can see that Charlotte needs help!" you answer with a rage behind your eyes.

Mr. Kingsman started to say something, but blinded by anger you ignore it and point a finger at his wife, "If you can not see that Charlotte needs serious help, you need to get your eyes checked. Charlotte, right now, is on her way to death, if she continues like this. And your comments and behaviour do not help."

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Kingsman asks. She and her husband are looking at Charlotte, tyring to understand what's going on. Well, they are not the only ones, the team is doing the same thing.

With one look at Charlotte and seeing the cry for help in her eyes, you look her mother directly in the eyes, "Charlotte is struggling with an eating disorder." Mrs. Kingsman lets out a gasp and takes her husbands hand, "I don't know why you haven't been checking up on your daughter, if it's because of your reputation or your ignorance, but Charlotte is struggling and she needs help. And she needs her parents. She needs support. She needs someone who will be there for her, even if she thinks there is no way out. Who will cheer her up, even if she gets in a bad place again, because that's what you should do. You should be there for your daughter, who has been struggling for god knows how long and has been giving signs all along. Because it is time for you to step up and be a mother. Be the mother she deserves."

It's complete silence. No one says anything. Mr. and Mrs. Kingsman look devastated, but it's time someone told them the truth. The team is also not better. JJ has tears in her eyes, while Emily needed to sit down. Spencer looks very sad and Derek looks at you with a worried frown. Rossi and Hotch still have their rigid faces but both their lips are pulled downward. And Charlotte is looking up at you.

Oh god, she is going to slap me, you think. But it suprises you when she gives you a hug. She's clinging to you and crying. "Thank you. So much." she whispers in your ear. You pull away and give her a little smile.

"Thank you, Agent." Mrs. Kingsman says while taking her daughters hand. You give her a nod and with that the family is out of the door. Feeling good for standing up for that girl and helping her you turn around to see your team. You pull your eyebrows together, because you just made a scene infront of them.

"That was quite a speech." Rossi says. "Yeah, well it's time someone told them the truth." you say in return. Going to the desk to continue finishing up, they follow.

Atfer a bit of time Spencer asks, "How did you know she was struggling?" he was curious, he thought she was struggling because of the case. You give a small smile and a shrug, "Going through the same thing with no support from anyone and getting myself out of this place alone, you can see when someone is having problems."

JJ comes to hug you and you can swear your t-shirt is getting a bit wet. "We are very proud of you,    Y/N." she says and you need to collect yourself so you don't cry. You don't know the last time someone said they were proud of you. You pulled through this alone, as a teenager, you were a child and it wasn't easy and someone telling you they are proud of you? You will have a good crying session at home.

"And if you ever need help or want to talk, we are here for you." Derek says and lays a hand on your shoulder. "Thank you, guys. You don't know how much that means to me." you respond and give all of them a warm smile.

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