it's not fair - aaron hotchner

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summary: Aaron Hotchner is not a fan of you

summary: Aaron Hotchner is not a fan of you

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Aaron Hotchner hates you. You just don't know why.

At first you thought it was because you're a new agent and that's okay. You're a new agent, he just doesn't trust you yet. Yeah well, you thought wrong. You've been an agent for six months now and he still doesn't like you. It wouldn't matter so much if it wouldn't affect your work.

This man can not work with you. He's always disregarding your ideas and sometimes he's not even listening to you. You've made friends with the others. You go on girls night, you let Spencer talk about his statistics or books, you go to the gym with Derek and you and Rossi even talk sometimes in Italian.

Everyone likes you, except Aaron Hotchner. And that's very bad for you, because you can't stand it when someone doesn't like you.

You've been trying everything, from staying late to bringing him coffee. Nothing works.

On this case, he's especially cold towards you. It could be, because there is a child missing, but that still doesn't give him the right to be mean.

It's been almost a day since the little girl went missing and Hotch and you were on your way to consult the parents.

In the house you are the softer one out of the two of you. You're holding the hand of the mother, who's breaking down and comfort her. You don't know why, but Hotch looks coldly at you, but there's something else in his eyes.

After asking the parents some more questions, you make your way to the car. In the car is an uncomfortable silence, until Hotch speaks up "You can not go soft now Y/N."

You can't believe him, "Soft? I was comforting that women, because her child went missing."

"Y/N, you didn't have a straight head and you couldn't think clearly. This can't happen or something will go wrong." Aaron says.

You had enough from him, he can't always disrespect you and doubt your work, "Okay, Hotch, that's enough. What is your problem with me? What did I do to you? I know you don't trust women as much as men, but you have gone too far. I mean, I have done everything for you to like me! Haven't I given enough already? I did nothing wrong and you just hate me. And you can hate me, but it is affecting my job and our work together and that is a problem!"

There was a thick silence after your statement. You were overthinking your words, did you say something wrong, but you didn't. You made your point, the right one, it can't go on like this.

You snap your head in Hotch's direction when you heard, "I don't hate you." and you could feel your heart stop beating. You didn't realise that Hotch stopped driving, you could just see the way his eyes were looking at your face.

"I don't hate you," he says again "you just make me feel this way. When you first stepped into the BAU you had this aura around you. Everyone already liked you. I did too. But it scared me. So I built up another wall. You broke this wall down without even trying, because you make everyone feel loved and comforted. I was mean to you, because in your presence I feel like I am whole again. So, I am sorry. I am sorry for making this mistake. I am sorry for being shitty and mean. I'm sorry, because you had me wrapped around your finger since the first moment I saw you, and I was so scared, I still am. I am so scared, because I don't know what will happen and-"

Before he could finish his sentence, you smashed your lips against his and you were exploding. The feeling of his lips against yours was something completly new and exciting. He put his hands on your cheeks and you feel him smiling into the kiss.

You both pull away, because you need to breath and put your foreheads against eachother.

"You're forgiven." you say to him and hear him chuckle.

And if the team picked up on Hotch's changed behaviour towards you, they did not comment it.

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