Chapter 5: "Nip this in the bud"

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Downtown Alley Way

Downtown Alley Way

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7:30 PM

Karen, wearing a long black coat and Louboutin red bottoms, struts down a dark and secluded alley way downtown. She passed by a homeless man resting in a sleeping bag. Scared, she clutches her pearls! After that, a pack of rats runs across the way in front of her. She nearly screams, but remembers where she is.

After a few more dreadful steps, she arrives at a rusted door at the end of a building. She then pulls out a piece of paper from her purse. She reads it to make sure she's at the right address... She knocks on the door and within an instance, a buff African American man answers. "Karen Carter?" The man asks. "Um, yes... I'm Karen." Karen replies. "Follow me." The man continues, as he leads her in behind him.

He brings her to a room at the end of a long secluded hallway... He then turns around and leaves her there. Not knowing what to think, Karen enters through the door. She enters the room to find a detective looking African American woman named Marie sitting at a table, with nothing but files on it. "How can I help you, Mrs. Carter?" The woman asks her. Karen takes a moment to answer...


DuPoint Realty - Break Room

DuPoint Realty - Break Room

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12:37 PM

Cierra and Chelsea are seated at the table in the break room on their lunch break. Both girls are enjoying a gourmet chef salad. Suddenly, Craig enters the space. "Hey, girls." He goes. "Hey, daddy." Both girls reply.

"So, I wanted to take this quick opportunity just give you both a little update on the promotion situation..." Craig teases them. "Go on..." Cierra becomes anxious, as she looks back to an equally excited Chelsea. "From the looks of it, the one who seems most eligible for the position is... Chelsea." Craig says. Chelsea becomes super excited, as she cleans her hands with a paper towel.

On the other hand, Cierra becomes very disappointed. "What?! And how was that decision made?!" She goes. "Well, sweetie, based on statistics, Chelsea has had a 5% increase on sales and you've only had 4% increase. Also, the board of directors agreed that Chelsea would be the better approach..." Craig tries to explain.

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