Chapter 7: "When will you learn"

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Pierce Avenue

Pierce Avenue

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8:30 AM

Rafael approaches a red light while in traffic. In compliance with the law, he stops. He waits for a few seconds, then looks to his right and takes in the motels in the area. He suddenly sees Charlotte, who is wearing some sort of disguise, speed walking up the stairs to the suites' top floor. "Is that Charlotte?" He asks himself, as he squints his eyes and tries to get a better view.

At the end of the strip, she finally moves toward a door. Rafael is however surprised by the person who opens the door. He observes Mitchell Carter letting Charlotte inside the space, while donning a bathrobe and slippers! Rafael is astounded and dejected as he says, "Wow!" And in a flash, the light turns green, allowing him and everyone else to continue their drives.

Marlton Pâtisserie

Marlton Pâtisserie

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8:45 AM

When Craig walks into the bakery, Mitchell Jr. is paying for his morning coffee and a croissant with chocolate filling at the register. Seeing Craig makes him irritated right away. "Hello, Mitchell. How are you?" Craig says, as he tries to be the bigger person. Mitchell Jr. immediately turns to face Craig and let's him have it! "How dare you speak to me? After what you did to my girlfriend, I should slap the piss out of you!" He goes.

"You do that and see where your white ass ends up! I don't give a damn how good of an attorney your father is..." Craig responds. "Oh yeah?!" Mitchell Jr. continues. The two prepare for a scuffle as they get in each others faces! Another male shopper gets in between the two. "Hey-hey! You guys are grown men. Knock it off!" The man says.

Still heated, both Mitchell Jr. and Craig adjust themselves. "Six ninety seven is your change, sir..." The young and nervous cashier tells Mitchell Jr., as she hands him his coffee and his croissant. "Keep the change!" He tells her, as he grabs his items. He then shoulder bumps Craig on his way out. "The nerve of that guy, am I right?" Craig laughs at the cashier.


Karen's Travels - Karen's Office

Karen's Travels - Karen's Office

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12:00 PM

Karen is sitting at her desk enjoying a chef salad, when Cierra knocks and enters her office. "Mmh- Cierra! What can I do for you?" She goes. "Hey, I hope I'm not interrupting..." Cierra replies. "No, come on in. I was just having lunch." Karen continues. Cierra takes a seat at Karen's desk...

"So, what's going on?" Karen asks her. "Well that's the thing... I need your help." Cierra confesses. "Hmm." Karen goes, as she becomes intrigued.

Amyra's Condo

Amyra's Condo

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12:01 PM

Dr. Johnson, wearing a tank top and boxers, is relaxing on Amyra's couch, as he watches a football game. Meanwhile, Amyra, wearing a large tee shirt over her lingerie, prepares two margaritas. "Hey, baby?" Amyra goes, as she balances the glasses in her hands while approaching Dr. Johnson. "Yeah, what's up, baby?" He takes a moment to respond to her.

"Pause the game..." Amyra says, dreadfully, as she sets the glasses down on the coffee table. He does as told. "What's wrong?!" He wonders. "I-I'm pregnant!" Amyra blurts out. "What?!" He responds. "I'm five months pregnant and it's yours!" Amyra continues. She stands there, anxious, as he struggles to comprehend the news.

Karen's Travels - Karen's Office

Karen's Travels - Karen's Office

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12:05 PM

"Wait a minute... So, you want to start your own realty company and you need my help to do it?" Karen says. "Correct." Cierra replies. "Okay. Wow. Um, let me get with a few contacts and see what I can do..." Karen continues. "Thank you so much, Karen. This really means a lot to me." Says Cierra. Cierra begins to shed a few tears.

"Oh no, honey! Come here..." Karen goes. The two stand up and hug each other. Karen tries to console Cierra through her tears.  "You listen to me, you were the best thing to ever happen to that place! They were fools to let you go. But don't you worry, you're gonna show them that you are not to be toyed with. I promise you." Karen tells her. "Thanks." Cierra replies. The two stand there, hugging, as they cherish the moment.

Amyra's Condo

Amyra's Condo

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12:10 PM

Dr. Johnson stares through living room window, as Amyra sits on the couch in shambles. "You know what this means... You're having an abortion and that's final!" He turns around and exclaims to Amyra. "But I don't want an abortion! I am having our baby! And that's final..." Amyra shouts at him. Even more enraged, he sprints over to her and slaps her to the floor!

He then climbs on top of her begins aggressively strangling her! She kicks and claws at him, but it's no use. As she feels herself getting weaker and weaker, her life slowly fading away, she mutters out "F-fine!". And just like that, he lets go of her. "I knew you'd see it my way." He says, as he gets up and adjusts himself. "Now go clean yourself up. You look a hot mess."He tells her, before leaving. Heartbroken and appalled by the whole occurrence, Amyra lies there on the floor in pain and despair.

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