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Me and Walker were hired too watch over Ryan's kids with out a choice while he was out with Blake and him. Kids are annoying as hell but he says he is gonna pay us. Money is money🤷‍♀️. He had 3 daughters named Inez,James,And Betty. Inez is 6, James is 8, and Betty is 3. It's been at least 3 minutes since we have been babysitting and it's already chaotic. Betty literally needs a diaper change and none of us want too change it.

"YOU CHANGE IT! YOU HAVE A YOUNGER SIBLING THATS A BABY SO YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE" "NO I DON'T, I NEVER CHANGED THERE DIAPER" We both screamed as we both covered our noses from the smell. Finally both of us did rock,paper, scissors and I had too change it. I definitely will get trauma from that. There was baby food with the poop💀

James and Inez we're doing something only God knows but it's definitely something. They were playing family but like abusing eachother. They were getting into fights and hitting each other. Me and Walker had too constantly pull them apart. They were fighting on who would be the princess even though they were playing family.

I wanted too scream at them right now and beat them up but y'know responsible girl vibes😋. We eventually calmed all of them down and Walker made them watch dead pool. "Walker! They can't be watching this there kids!" I said. "So? At least there being less annoying?" He said. "HEYYYYY! I HEARD THAT!" Said James. We laughed while Walker pulled me closer. "Ew boys!" Inez and James said together. "Yeah I know right he is so weird!" I said pushing Walker away.

He rolled his eyes and just watched the movie. After we had too put Betty too bed and Inez and James had 2 more hours for bed. They started playing kitchen again after getting bored and were fighting more then last time. "I am the princess because I am prettier!" Said Inez. "No! I am the princess because I am prettier and older!" James replied mad. "None of you guys are pretty!" I said by accident out loud. "Oh fu-" Walker slapped my mouth with his hand. "UHM I think what Y/n meant is both of you guys are very pretty!" Walker said fake smiling

"Oh uh look at that it's 9:00 you guys have too go to bed now or else your dad is gonna turn into the angry bird" I said. I take James and Walker takes Inez too change. I obviously changed them. We both put them too bed but it was a real struggle. Betty started crying, Inez and James were running, and then Betty needed another diaper change. I changed Betty's diaper again adding too the trauma while Walker chased after the girls.

We eventually got them too bed after at least 1 hour. We both sat down on the couch exhausted. " I mean at least we are getting payed for this" "It better be more than 1000"

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