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Yeah so it's my birthday on Tuesday (Feb 7) and I am turning 14🥳. Anyway you didn't really needed too know that but yeah.

-During your birthday the mf can NOT stop saying "Happy birthday".

-He also doesn't really know what too really give you so he basically asks your friends🤷‍♀️

- Walker also posts like a shit ton of posts ab your birthday but it's okay because we love it.

-He also throws a party like a huge party without you knowing. (With permission ofc)

-He can't keep it a secret and accidentally almost tells you.

- Walker feels guilty when he hides a secret from you💀

-Has those party blowers,party hats,confetti,glow sticks,etc at the party and it's a MESS

-The party lasts till like 5am in the morning. He is like the only one awake.

-Spoils the shit out of you

-Wayyyyyy to nice on your birthday. But I ain't complaining ab anything

-He is drunk. He didn't even drink any alcohol but he is hyper😭

-Takes like 100 pictures of you at the party of something idk.

-Anyway we still love him though🙇‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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