hurt human al and his mom

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Alastor mother presses her forehead to her son's. Her own tears fell from her eyes as he gently pulled her little boy into her arms "oh my son my Alastor I missed you so much" she says gently as she holds him. She slowly rocks him in her arms slowly. She runs a hand though his hair as she does so. She was so glad to see him again. She rubs his back in a comforting  manner.

 Alastor cries Loudly and holds on to his mother gently  "mother I'm sorry!" he says though his tears. "I missed you so much" he adds. The feeling of her rocking him back and forward make him want to go back to sleep. he closes his eyes. He let his mother hold him like a little child. He felt no worry in her arms. It was almost like the old days.

"hush now cher I know" his mother spoke softly as she wraps her big white wings around him slowly.  She was horrified at the state he was in. She starts to help heal some of his major wounds slowly. Him Just being in her embrace did that. silent tears fall from her eyes. She couldn't  help but cry abit "my little one what has this world done to you" she adds in a whisper.

Alastor nuzzles as close to his mother as he could get the tears fell heavily from his eyes. He knew he didn't have to speak his mother already knew. He felt all the bad things rush back to him at once and it scared him. He closes his eyes quickly.  He shifts his focus to his mothers hand in his hair. He leans into her touch before letting out a small yawn.

Alastor mother continues to pet his hair slowly she rocks back and forward slowly. She begins to sing a small lullaby to lure him to sleep.  She looks down at him gently. He looked a bit different to her. He looked a bit worn out even though  his smile. She wipes his tears from his face slowly.

Alastor soon fell asleep in his mothers gentle embrace. The demons seemed  to vanish just as quickly as they appeared and felt so peaceful for once. He could rest without worries in her arms. he lets out a small sigh in his sleep.  He doesn't stir anymore after that.

Alastors mom wipes her own tears away with a small smile. She continued to hum softly long after he fell asleep. She closes her own eyes for a moment. She knew her son was a killer. But she didn't not hate him nor blame him for his sins. For the rest of the night she just held her baby boy. It mad her sad knowing that in the morning  she would have to leave him once more. But for tonight they would be together one last time

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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