New Subordinates and the 3 Rules

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Rimuru POV

After being sent into the past, to be precise they were sent to the past 1 day before Rimuru was to eat Veldora last time so that there wouldn't be many changes such as when Shizue came. Rimuru released Zegion and Apito who were now in their cocoon for evolution. During the travel to the past Zegion had acquired the time element on his exoskeleton, similar to how the mask of Chronoa had time properties due to the travel through time. When I found this out I lost my words, he was already able to fight Veldora equally due to his body adapting to the chaotic nature of the Turn Null energy making his arms one of the most dangerous weapons in the world and the rest of his body was already hihiirokane now it is mythical class.

Right now I'm walking to the stupid lizard, he keeps annoying me right now so I'm going to make him get out of the prison on his own, it shouldn't take him long considering that he has an ultimate skill. The other dependents of Zegion and Apito are following me right now as well, I sent out 2 of them already though. One of them was to find the dire wolves tribe of Ranga and his Father, the other was to find the goblins village and make sure none of them die to the dire wolves that are out hunting. While thinking this the old lizard speaks into my mind due to me being in-front of him.

"Hello human and, WAIT! Why are there so many insectars behind you?!"

While he was yelling I let him out and he combined with his past self and made his aura go down to a reasonable level making him seem like that of a C rank monster.

"Veldora, get out of the prison on your own." I say, slightly annoyed with him for laughing at me while I was crying, Zegion saved him from getting educated but that doesn't mean I forgive him.

"What are you so mad at me for?" Was heard in the background however it was skillfully ignored by my saying to Veldora.

"Trace my aura I'll let out a little of it and go to where I am, okay? While your at it go find the dryads  and tell them that I would like to talk to them" As I say that I teleport to the goblin village and find that the person I put out to the goblin village, Hiro was already there and it seems they were waiting for me along with the goblins.

"Hey, it seems you guys were waiting for me here?" I asked them trying to see if my suspicion was correct and the one who replied was Hiro. Hiro is the strongest of the Insectars with humanoid forms after Zegion and Apito. Although it was overkill to send someone as powerful as him it got the point across to the goblins not to mess with me.

"Yes Lady Rimuru, they were waiting for you and wanted to talk to you." When Hiro talked to me it seemed the goblins tensed up. This I think it was because Hiro, while strong, does not hold in his aura well, making him admit that of an aura of a Special A rank monster. Some of the goblins were visibly struggling to stand and some of them seemed to be in pain.

"Okay, and by the way Hiro try to hold in your aura more. It seems to be hurting some of them with the pressure." Saying this some of the goblins mk nodded a little at this statement.

"Yes Lady Rimuru I will try to do that better." As this is said the aura emitted from him starts to reduce to that of an A+ ranked monster, still able to terrify the others around the area but not put them in as much pain. While this was happening I heard the clanking of footsteps and others behind him, this seems to be the dire wolves. As Rimuru thought this a voice was heard.

    "Lady Rimuru I have brought the Dire Wolves tribe as you requested. Should the leader meet with you now or later?" Was asked by the one coming with the tribe named Mushi.

    "I will meet with him now, I will talk to the Goblin chief and the chief of the Dire Wolves at the same time." As I said, a wolf with gray fur, and a scar across his left eye came forward and followed me into the hut.

Rimuru in the pastWhere stories live. Discover now