Chapter 5

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"Just ask Unnie, ask before it's to late. If you love her tell her you do, you can't wait forever. One day she'll get married if you wait too long. I'll help, but right now I'm doing something. I'll call you later, bye Unnie. Also call me again if you wanna do it alone." I was about to hang up when she spoke. "I'll do it alone, and surprisingly your good at giving advice. Bye Chaeng Chaeng!" She hung up, I smiled and shook my head.

Chaeyoung's POV
I got to the mall and walked around till I got to the shop, I walked in and greeted them. "You're Son Chaeyoung, right?" They looked at me, I just nodded and smiled. "Perfect! I'll get the ring, stay here." He went into a room in the back, he took a while. I pulled out my phone and Scrolled on Instagram while waiting, because it was taking a little too long.

"Thank you for waiting! Yugyeom misplaced it. Anyways here's the ring, do you like it?" I grabbed the ring and looked at it. "It's perfect, thank you. I hope she likes it!" I said, he smiled. "I hope she likes it too, you seem sweet. Good luck!" He replied, I thanked him and left. I decided to walk around for a bit. I wanted to buy Mina a gift, but she called me and told me to come home. I told her I'd be there as fast as I could. I was walking to the doors when I saw a boba shop, I ordered a boba for me and her and left. I walked to my car and unlocked it, I'm excited for tomorrow. I can't stop thinking about it, I hope she says yes. I turned the car on and got out of the parking spot.

I turned on the radio and one of my favorite songs were playing, 'Everytime' by Ariana Grande, I really love her music. She makes really relatable songs, I love the music she's released so far. Whenever she releases a new song I always listen to it, me and my 8 friends had chance to become singers, but we all quit doing that and decided to all work regular jobs.

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