Chapter 6

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I turned on the radio and one of my favorite songs were playing, 'Everytime' by Ariana Grande, I really love her music. She makes really relatable songs, I love the music she's released so far. Whenever she releases a new song I always listen to it, me and my 8 friends had chance to become singers, but we all quit doing that and decided to all work regular jobs.

No One's POV
Once Chaeyoung got home she grabbed both of the drinks and locked her car. She walks fro the front door and unlocked it, she smiled when she saw Mina. "Hi Minari! Are you doing better?" The younger closed the door and walked over to Mina, who was sitting on the couch. Chaeyoung set the drinks down and sat as well.

Mina starting speaking.
"Chaeyoung...let's break up, it's only hurting you." Mina held Chaeyoung's hand and looked at her. "W-what? It's not hurting me, I swear. What do you mean Minari?" Chaeyoung was confused and looked down. "I'm sorry I never loved you." Mina paused. "I love someone else...Jeongie, your best friend, and I've been cheating on you with her." Mina stood up and Chaeyoung shed a tear but immediately wiped it away. "I guess there's no point of the ring then...uhm I'll be here if you ever wanna talk. Goodbye." Chaeyoung stood up and took the little jewelry box out her back pocket, and put it on the table. "Goodbye..." Mina walked to the door and opened it. She looked back at Chaeyoung and smiled softly, she looked back and left. Little did they know, that would be the last time they saw each other before Chaeyoung left, and left for good and isn't coming back.

Mina was trying to reach Chaeyoung for the past week but hasn't gotten anything, Mina decided to go to her house. She wasn't thinking about anything bad that could've happened, Chaeyoung knew Mina would've came to look for her so she left a note on the couch. Mina got inside and saw it right away, she walked to it and grabbed it.

Dear, Minari
I hope your happy with Jeongyeon Unnie, she was basically a sister to me. I felt betrayed when I heard you loved her and not me, I always thought what we had was real but I guess I'm writing this letter, I will always love you no matter what. I never thought of leaving you not once, never would've. But I guess we all have different plans, I'll miss you and our Unnies and Tzuyu of course. Please take care of them, don't let them get hurt Minari. I hate when they're sad. I wish we could've gotten married and even made a family, but if your happy that all that matters.
Goodbye Mina, I love you.


Mina cried while reading the letter, she didn't know what to think, her mind was everywhere all at once. She couldn't think straight at all. She then got a call from Dahyun.

"Hi, Mina. I wanted to call you to let you know something. You shouldn't have done what you did, Chaeyoung wasn't the same ever since you broke up with her, she loved you so much...I-it hurts so much knowing I lost my best friend because she lost you, she wanted the b-best for you I know that. But she didn't expect you falling in love with someone would be the best..." Dahyun started to break down after she said all that, Mina didn't know what she had meant by any of that.

"Go to Chaeyoung's Mothers House. Me and the 7 of us will be waiting, bye." Dahyun hung up the phone, Mina was still confused but left the house making her way to Chaeyoung's mothers house in a rush.

I'm Sorry I Never Loved You ||Michaeng||Where stories live. Discover now