Girl Meets Girlfriend?(Part 3)

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Third Person POV
The group of teenagers sat at a table and ate. "While I understand barbecue is not your thing, farkle, you do seem to have found a new appreciation for our home town cuisine." Zay says staring at Farkle concerned. Farkle stares at the finished barbecue infront of him and says "more." In a deep, kinda scary voice. "Easy, Cowboy, you need to calm down." Lucas said looking at Farkle. "Oh I need to calm down? They make a big deal out of you riding a bull for 4 seconds. Well I ate him." Farkle says in the scary voice again.

Time skip⏱️

Karissma was dancing with some other people. "Maya... will you please say something to him? I know that you care about him. It's okay." Riley says to her best friend. "I just don't want anything to change." Maya said. "Hey, Huckleberry... Are we dancing or what?" Riley asked walking over to the table they were sitting at. "Oh, we can do that? Is that part of the new rules?" Lucas said. "This kind of dancing? Sure" Riley said smiling. Lucas and Riley walk onto the dance floor. "Maya what's going on with you?" Farkle questions. "I don't know." Maya says confused. "Do you know? Cause, help me." Maya says a bit sad. Farkle leans towards her a bit and she pulls his chair closer to hers and leans her head on his shoulder.

Skip to Riley and Lucas on the dance floor

They start dancing. "Have you done this before?" Lucas questions Riley. "Never" Riley replies. "Then how are you so good?" Lucas asks. "Because I'm finally relaxed with you" Riley says smiling. "I'm not sure that's good news" Lucas says kind of concerned. "It is, Lucas. I had no idea I would be in Texas, just like I had no idea I would ever dance with a rodeo star. The only thing I know is that I always want to be able to talk to you, and maybe that this is the best way to do that." Riley say's trying to be cool about the whole thing. "If that's what you want." Lucas said. "You know what I don't want? I don't want to go out for a while and then break up and not like each other anymore. Isn't that what happens next? Isn't that what people do? I don't understand that, Lucas. I always want you around and... maybe the best way to do that is to be like brother and sister." Riley finishes and they both stop dancing and just look at each other.

Skip back to the table
Karissma walks over and takes a seat next to Zay "You didn't want him to get hurt because you care about him." Farkle says to Maya. "I care about all of us." Maya says. "You care about him." Farkle says. "I care about all of us." She says again. "You care about him." He says again. "I will kill you." Maya says and Farkle looks away. "I'm not gonna care about anybody for the rest of my life, alright? I tried it once, didn't work. From now on, I like nobody." Zay said in a cool tone. "Zay?" A girl with black curly hair and brown skin walks over to the table. "Unbelievable." Zay muttered. "How's New York been treatin you?" The girl questioned. "Good, yeah. Just trying to fit in. Making new friends..." Zay said kind of awkwardly. "Well, looks like you made some. Wanna introduce me?" The girl asked. "Yeah, um, this is Farkle..." Zay said introducing farkle. "Texas lady" farkle says. "And this is my friend, Maya." He introduces Maya as Karissma tips her hat to the girl seeming to know her. "You did not just do that!" Maya said standing up sounding angry. "What?" Zay asked confused. "You did not just introduce your girlfriend as your friend." Maya says while moving to sit on the other side of Zay. "What?" Zay scoffs confused. "Isaiah Earl Babineaux..." Maya says looking at him like he's an idiot. "Your middle name is earl?" The black haired girl questioned. "No" Zay says shaking his head slightly. "The next time you introduce your girlfriend as your friend we're through. Do you hear me?" Maya asks pretending to be his girlfriend. "I mean, I hear you, but I..." Zay says as Maya cuts him off. "Put your arm around me. Twirl my hair. Call me honey nugget." Maya says sounding like a irritated girlfriend. "Hi, honey nugget." Zay says confused and kind of scared. "Hi, hunkalicious." Maya says really pretending to be his girlfriend. The black haired girl just looks at them with a confused smile on her face. "Vanessa?" Riley questioned Lucas. "Vanessa." Lucas says smiling. "A little possessive, no?" The black haired girl asks. "Well, the good one you don't let get away, you know what I mean? With all the girls chasing him around New York City, you have to swoop right in or he'll be gone. I said you have to swoop right in or he will—" Maya says and Riley cuts her off. "Isaiah Hank Babineaux." Riley takes Karissma's seat as she goes and sits next to Farkle laying her head on his shoulder. "No—" Zay says even more confused. "I don't care. I only care that you don't let Maya get her hooks into you when you know you are mine." Riley says acting like his girlfriend as well. The black haired girl raised an eyebrow at the three. "This is my friend Riley." Zay says. "Now how do you like it when he calls you a friend, Riley?" Maya questioned the brunette. "I like it." Riley responds. "No, you do not like it." Maya corrects the brunette. "I do not like when you call me just "friend"." Riley says correcting herself. "Well, what would you like for me to call you?" Zay asked confused as to what they are doing. "I would like for you to call me... Cotton candy face." Riley says happy with her answer. "Good girl. I know that was hard." Maya rubs the brunettes arm. "Zay, is it possible I've misjudged you?" The black haired girl asked. "It's possible, Vanessa." Riley says. "How do you know my name?" Vanessa asked confused. "Um..." Riley say's realizing her mistake. "To much." "To much." "To much." Riley, Maya, and Farkle yell as they run from the table with Karissma's hand In Farkles. They make their way over to Lucas and a guy walks on stage. "Hey, everybody. Welcome to chubby's famous barbecue, home of the best ribs in Texas." The guy announced. Everyone cheered and clapped as Farkle yelled "I grew up here!" "Okay well we're about to introduce two lovely ladies and one of them grew up here as well, about 2 hours down the road in Sugar Land. Ladies and Gentlemen, please help me welcome Maddie and Tae!" The guy said as everyone cheered and clapped. "Well, it feels real good to be back home in Texas." Maddie said. "This first one's a love song..." Tae says.
"Uh-oh" Riley, Lucas, Maya, and Karissma all say in unison. "And it's called "no place like you." Tae says. Everyone cheered and clapped as the girls started to play the song.

Maddie and Tae finished their song and everyone cheered and clapped. The guy from earlier walks back up on stage and and says "We have a special guest with us this evening you may know her as the first master of tombstone but here at Chubby's we like to call her family, give it up for Karissma Thomas!" Everybody clapped as Karissma walked up on stage. "Howdy, everyone. I'm Karissma Thomas, the first ever master of tombstone the bull and I have a special song that goes out to my lovely boyfriend Lucas Friar." Everyone clapped as I started the song.

Karissma finished her song and everyone was staring at Lucas. Karissma walked off the stage tears rolling down her cheeks and found Farkle. He held her in his arms and let her cry.

Time skip⏱️
(There is a bit of talk about a deceased family member)
Karissma's POV
We got back to pappy joes house and I sat on the porch swing with red eyes. Pappy joe chuckles. "You've just been sitting here, pappy joe?" Lucas asked lookin uncomfortable. "Oh, after you run around enough, you'll find that a comfy chair on your own front porch is your favorite destination. Oh by the way... Lord Chesterfield's letter to his son." Pappy joe says. "What?" Lucas asked confused. "Lord Chesterfield had a son who traveled the world." Pappy joe said. "What is that? What are you doing?" Riley questioned. "It's a blackboard" pappy joe said. "My daddy made you do this." Riley said in realization. "He's good people." Pappy joe said. "No, he's not."Riley said disappointed. "Chesterfield writes him letters about how he should behave himself because a father knows the only way for a kid to really learn anything is to go out into the world and find out who he is." Pappy joe says. "My daddy is trying to teach us from beyond the grave." Riley said. "Matthews wrote us a letter, didn't he?" Maya questions. "He did" pappy joe said. I looked up and spoke "Wait, Riley your dad passed away too?" Lucas looks at me confused. "What do you mean passed away too?" Lucas asked lookin at me. "What do I mean?, What do I mean? Are you really asking me that question like you don't know?" I start to raise my voice and look at him in the eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about?" Lucas said defensively. "My dad passed away last year and when I invited you and Zay to the funeral the only person who showed up was Zay. He was there to comfort me and be my best friend. Where was my boyfriend when I needed him?" I started to cry as I was raising my voice. "I didn't know your dad passed away Karissma." Lucas said. "Yeah, man, you did. Do you remember that weekend when I told you her dad died and that we should go to support her do you know what you said to me?" Zay asks. "No, I don't know what I said to you, Zay." Lucas said lookin a little angry. "You said and I quote "She'll be fine, besides I have a date with Riley so I'm not going" do you remember that Lucas?" Zay said. I looked at Lucas hurt. I walked over to him and slapped him on the face and everyone looked stunned. "I trusted you, I loved you, I gave you everything I had and this is how you treat me? Like I'm just your Texas baggage, well guess what "Lukey" I'm done, I'm done with you, I'm done with Riley, I'm done with Maya, I'm done with the lies, and the betrayal, cause you dare to come back and act as if you haven't been cheatin on me and start flirtin with your little play toys well guess what "Lukey" you have fun with your little play girls cause one of these days they're gonna see you for who you truly are!" I yelled at him and ran and hopped on my horse and rode off.

Third Person POV
Pappy joe turned to look at Lucas. "Did you really miss the funeral for a stupid date?" Pappy Joe asked. "Y-yes sir." Lucas stuttered out those words. Pappy Joe looked stunned. "Pappy Joe how did Karissma's dad die? If I'm allowed to ask." Farkle said. "Well, her dad, Noah Thomas was the best bull rider in all of Texas. He was on to the final test which was tombstone the bull and he was at 3.2 seconds and then tombstone kicked him off and trampled Noah. So the reason Karissma wanted to master tombstone was so she could make her dad proud and get her vengeance on tombstone." Pappy joe said.

Hey everybody this is your author here I just wanted to thank you for takin your time to read this I don't think this story is gonna be a long story but as of right now I ain't gotta clue but I will update when I can and please remember to vote comment and like this story if you in fact liked.


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