Alien'ish 2 Scene 1

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Scene One: The camera pans to Dre and Dr. Rainbow Johnson's SUV driving down the road at a very high speed. Rainbow is driving and showing high levels of anxiety as she keeps looking into the rearview mirror. Dre is on edge and sweating as he breathes heavily looking out the window behind him. The camera pans to Remsor, the light source, it is seen in the distance moving slowly in the same direction the Johnsons are headed.

Bow: (starting to sweat) Dre! Are you listening to me?!  I need to go see Dr. Franklin. He's our neuroscientist. Along with Dr. Strangler. I have to get the answer to my questions, and they are the only ones that I can take my questions to. (stops suddenly) Dre!! I need you to be sure that you can keep it together if I have to be subjected to some medical evaluations. (deep breaths) As I said, they are probably going to have to probe my body when I tell them everything...

Dre: (interjecting) Bow! I can't allow myself to think about that light thing being inside you. Bow, Remsor was in you! And if they have to quarantine you... I will support you, Bow. (looks up) Black Jesus! (looks at Bow) Please do not let me have to put Bow down. PLEASE! Please do not let Bow have any Remsor cooties because then that will mean that I have cooties cause I have been in this vehicle with her... (shocked) OH! And slept with her... LAWD!!! Black Jesus! I can't do this! (turns and looks at Bow worried and anxious)

The camera pans a view of the street where Dre and Bow are traveling. From a distance, the camera shows Remsor stopping his movement and pivoting to turn in another direction opposite to where Bow and Dre are going. Dre and Bow continue to drive and the camera then pans to Bow pulling into the hospital.

Bow: (parking the SUV and facing Dre) Dre, I need you to go and pick up the children. Take them home, DO NOT say anything, and tell Jack and Diane to watch and take care of Devante and that you have to step out to get back to the office. DO NOT! I repeat, DO NOT say anything to the kids so that they do not worry. I hate having to lie to the kids, but I DO NOT... (moves Dre's face towards her) Look at me, Dre!!! DO NOT let the kids into any knowledge that this is going on! (Bow begins to gather her purse to get out of the vehicle) Dre... (moves Dre's face to look at her) Look at me, babe. Look at me! (softly and more quietly) Listen, just know that I love you. Please, do not let the kids know what is happening. After they have been dropped off, come back here to meet me. I will be on the fourth floor in Dr. Franklin's office. If I am not there, go to the ninth floor and find me in Dr. Strangler's office. 

The camera pans to Dre sitting on the passenger side blubbering and mumbling things that are inaudible. Dre begins to whimper and cry.

Bow: (raising her voice) Dre! Stay focused and get yourself together! Can you do this?!

Dre: (moves his head up and down and stutters when he speaks) Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. (mustering up confidence) I can do this! (reiterates in a semi-chant) Pick up the kids! Bring them home! Come back to the hospital! I got this!

Bow: (grabs Dre's face and brings it towards her - kisses Dre deeply) Dre, I love you! You can do this!

Dre: (wipes his lips) Oh my God!! Why are you kissing me???  You know your lips are tainted! (licks his lips) But some alien juice ain't gonna kill nobody. (ouckers his lips) Gimme another kiss, Bow! (Bow rolls her eyes at Dre and ignores his request) Ok, I'm going! 

Bow looks at Dre and rolls her eyes as she begins to exit the SUV. She grabs her purse and rushes out of the SUV. The camera pans to Bow running frantically toward the entrance of the hospital. The camera then pans to Dre getting out of the passenger side and frantically running to the driver's side of the SUV, getting in, and buckles his seatbelt. The camera pans to Dre pulling out of the hospital parking lot leaving skid marks on the pavement. 

End Scene

Alien'ish Part 2Where stories live. Discover now