Alien'ish 2 Scene 2

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Scene Two: The camera pans to Dre driving down the streets of LA heading to pick up the children at school. Dre is seen inside the car breathing heavily and very anxious. He talks to the audio in the vehicle to make a phone call. 

Dre: (trying to not sound nervous and trying to be in complete self-control) Hey Siri! Call Jr Not My Faveson Johnson. 

Siri: (audio) Calling Jr. Not My Faveson Johnson, iPhone.

The audio call rings twice and Jr. Johnson answers the call.

Jr: (via audio) Hey big guy. What's up?

Dre: (driving and focused on the road) Hey, Jr. I need your help with something. Can you go over to the kids' school and pick them up and drop them off at home? 

Jr: (via audio) Dad, you have two additional drivers in the house. Why are you even going to pick them up at school?

Dre: (rolls his eyes) Jr., because I have a deadline to make, your mother has a hospital thing, and Jack and Diane are punished. Plus, Diane's car is at the mechanic's... So I need your help, Jr. Can you do it?

Jr: (via audio) I can do it but...

Dre: (rolling his eyes) And I will Venmo you some money.

Jr: (via audio) How much? 

Dre: (getting upset) Jr! I will Venmo you $100! 

Jr: (content) Sounds like a plan. See you later, big guy.

Dre: (sincerely) Thanks Jr!  

The camera pans back to Dre driving down the streets in LA and heading back in the direction of the hospital. 

End Scene 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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