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Gwen's pov:

Me and Finney finally arrive at Rhea's house.We bang on the door, impatiently hoping we aren't too late.The door swings open revealing
Rhea's mom who has a confused look on her face."Is Rhea home?" I ask loudly.Finney doesn't wait for her response and burts through the door.

"Rhea?" he shouts.He runs to the hallway.I quickly follow behind him.He bursts into a room.We see the boys sitting in the room on the ground.They look at us confused.
"Where's Rhea?" finney asks out of breathe."What?" Billy asks.

"WHERE IS RHEA?" Finney yells, causing them to flinch."She went out to walk the dog" Bruce answers with his voice wavering a bit.I felt my heart drop.I bring my hands up to my head.I walk to the living room.I could feel panic rising in my chest.Rhea's mom walks over to me.Finney and the other boys walk into the living room.I sit down.

"You better tell me what's going on now" Rhea's mom demands.I look at each of the boy's faces before landing on my brothers.I look at signaling to
explain."Gwen had a dream that the grabber came back alive from his grave.The grabber swore to come for us.It seems like he was targeting Rhea first" Finney explains as I cover my face with my hands.

"What?That's impossible the grabber's dead" robin states slightly shouting.
"Obviously not" I mutter."Are you telling me my baby is being targetted right now?" Rhea's mom asks in disbelief.Me and Finney slowly nods.Suddenly, I hear a noise at the door.Rhea's mom goes and opens the door.

Rover walks into the house with his
leash on his mouth.He walks into the living room while making
whimpering sounds.I look at Finney who was also looking at me.Where's Rhea?" Vance asks.I walk over to rover and look closer.

I saw a drop of blood on his fur.I started to shake."What is it?" Griffin asks,  a little alarmed.I slowly looked at them."There's blood on his fur" I state, feeling a lump in my throat.I see all thier faces drop.Rhea's mom starts to cry.I close my eyes wishing I wasn't late.

Rhea's pov:

I slowly start to gain conscious.I could feel my head pounding.I look around.I was in a room that kind of looked like a prison cell.I could hear someone approaching the door.I stare at the door with no emotion.The door swings open, revealing the masked man who kidnapped me.

He walks in with a plate of food and a soda.I watch  his every move."How's your head?" he asks.I stay silent.
"Guess your not much of a talker" he says with a sigh.After a few more
attempts of him trying to speak to me, he left.

I get up and start to look around.I saw a window with bars blocking it.The bars looked rusty.I try to pull them.
They barely budged.I went over to the food.I grabbed the soda.I walk over to the window.I pour the soda on the
edges of the bars, hoping it would slowly losen the bar.

Once I was done, I looked for more possible things to help me escape.I walk over to the toilet.I saw a roll of duck tape next to it.I grabbed the
tape.I walked over to a corned with the glass bottle and tape.I smashed the glass on the croncrete.I grab the biggest piece of the broken glass and began sharping one side.

Once it was sharp enough, I grabbed the tape and tapped the part that will be the handle.I grab my self made weapon and hid it in my back pocket.I walk back over to the bad and sit on it.I put my hands together hoping
I'll be bale to escape.

Vance's pov:

Me and the rest come back home after searching for Rhea everywhere.I walk into the living room with my fist clenched."Don't worry man.We'll find her" Robin says trying to comfort me."I was supposed to protect her" I say, looking at the floor."You didn't know" Robin replies.I couldn't take it anymore."BUT I PROMISED TO PROTECT HER AND I COULDN'T EVEN DO THAT" I lashed out.

"Hey man calm d" Bruce starts."I CAN'T CALM DOWN.SHE'S MISSING AND WE CAN'T FIND HER" I yelled feeling tears falling down my cheek.I was suddenly pulled into an embrace.
I cried into the person's chest."It's not fair" I said with my voice cracking.

"Shh I know" I hear the person say.
The person pulls away.It was Rhea's mom.She wiped away my tears."Don't blame yourself.You didn't know" she says.I slowly nod.I just want to find her.

Rhea's pov:

I hear the door being opened.The man walks into the room."I see you haven't eaten your food" he states.I remain quiet."When will you just talk?" he asks slightly raising his voice.I don't respond.

He walks up to me and grabs my face.I quickly grab my weapon and
stab his shoulder.He wails in pain before letting go of me.I quickly
run out the door.I run to the front door.I noticed it was locked.

"GET BACK HERE YOU BITCH" he yells.I run into the kitchen.I grab
the biggest knife I could find.He walks into the kitchen."You're gonna pay" he grumbles.He marches towards me.I lunge forward, trying to stab his stomach.He moves to the side.He hisses in pain.

"You cut me you bitch" he grumbles.
Before I could even try to attack again, he gains ahold of my hair.I try to cut his hand.He slaps the knife out my hand with his other hand.He throws me onto the ground.I try to get up but he kicks me.I try to get up again, not ready to give up.He proceads to kick me multiple times.

All the air have been blown out of me.I try to use my hands, trying to crawl to the door.I have to make it.I need too."Where do you think your
going?" he asks.He grabs my legs dragging me back to the kitchen."I'm not done" he says.

Suddenly, I feel something strike my back.I arch my back in pain.He kept whipping.Even though it hurt, all
I could think about was getting home.Suddenly, I felt something on my back rip.I imediately knew that I had a gash.I felt the blood sliding off my back.I tried to crawl towards the door but I passed out.

I was on the ground passed out with one hand reaching for the door.

Vance's pov:

I just finished taking a shower.Finney and Gwen had to leave.I walk into Rhea's room.The boys were laying down with tears in thier eyes.I walk over to Rhea's bed and lay in it.We were laying in silence.

Suddenly, Grffin starts crying."I miss Rhea" he wails.I could feel my heart ache."Griff come here" I tell him.He walks over to me.I wipe his tears.
"Don't worry.Rhea is strong.She'll come back to us.Rhea wouldn't want you to cry" I say before hugging him.
He hugs me back.After a few seconds, we pull away.

"Can I sleep with you?" he asks."Yea c'mon" I say scooting over.He climbs onto the bed.Usually Rhea would be saying Goodnight.I decide to do it.
"Goodnight" I say.I get multiple sad "Goodnights" in return.I slowly fall asleep with one thing on my mind.

Where are you?

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