ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ⓶

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Odette had managed to make it all the way into the elevator without being caught by anyone from the party and was feeling particularly smug.

However, her pride in this particular achievement would be fleeting.

At the very last moment, a hand caught the doors as they nearly slid shut.

"Where are you hurrying off to?"

She heard the voice before she could see who it was. Not that it mattered much. She knew exactly who to expect on the other side.

"Stalking me now, are we?"

Readjusting his tie, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, Jordan enters the lift with her - completely ignoring the fact she moves to stand as far away from him as possible. His eyes flicker to study the floor buttons, "You didn't answer my question." The answer was evident by which button was illuminated, but he wanted to make her say it.

Shifting her weight ever so slightly from one foot to the other she casually answers, "Yeah well, you didn't answer mine. And my family pays your bills. So, I win."

He lets out a dark chuckle at her reasoning, "Always."

It was true.

As much as he liked to pretend he had an upper hand on her, due to his position and their age gap, she owned him. At least in theory.

He was employed by David, sure, but she was always in her 'Pops' ear and she could quite literally uproot his entire life if she wanted to. The thought of a teenager, and a bratty one at that, having that much control over him was unnerving, to say the least.

"Why are you following me?" She asks once more.

"The party was slowing down, I saw you heading out and was curious where you were off to next. It is kind of my job to look after you. Keep you out of trouble... Prevent the fires before they even happen."

The elevator chimes, signaling their arrival to the designated floor.

"Mm. And what a fantastic job you've done of that, huh?" Odette turns to face him with an icy stare that matched her tone, "I'm going to hang out with some friends. Pretty in line with what sixteen-year-olds do."

Breaking their long shared stare, she moves around him and exits the elevator. Before taking off she turns back to face him, "You should probably stop looking for fires to put out and go home and be with your wife."

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