Walking in the new school (chapter one)

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Strawberry pov
Well time to go in the new school.. I hope it isn't like my last one... here goes nothing.! Huh..? No one is in the hallway.? Class probably started then.. I should find my classroom before I'm even later...
*a few minutes later*
Found it! Jeez... there are a lot of people.. I'm just gonna go in....

No one pov
The teacher was about to start class when strawberry walked in, (the teacher) snickerdoodle cookie: "hello! I'm guessing you're the new girl?" Strawberry:"..uh..yes..." teacher: "well go ahead and introduce yourself!" "Ok.. hello.! Uh..my name is strawberry cookie.!" "Alright strawberry cookie go sit down wherever you want!"

Strawberry pov
Everyone is staring at me.. I'm just gonna sit down in the back of the classroom...
*class starts*
Ok.. this is actually easy! Maybe this school won't be bad... wait I feel like someone is still staring at me.. I'm sure no one is but I need to be sure...
*after she looks around*
No one? Good.. I'm just gonna get back to my school work..

Gingerbright pov
This is basically what we did last week, it gets pretty boring... I'm almost finished with the work but then I have to class work and homework.. I still have all class to do it anyways. Huh? Someone walked in? Ooo someone new! And her name is strawberry cookie! She has a nice name..and face..or at least the part I can see.. oh yea!
*class starts*
Ok I gotta focus on the work! ..maybe I can just look at her a little?
*strawberry looks around*
Shoot! She almost saw me! Well that would've been weird... I'm just gonna continue with my class work

GingerBrave pov
This is still boring like last week..  ooo someone walked in! Strawberry cookie huh! Ooo wait she could be a new member of our friend group!
*class starts*
This is boring.. ima see what wizard and gingerbright are doing right now! Ok..wizard is doing class work- wait did he know I was looking at him? Since he's looking *waves at him* anyways! gingerbright is..! Wait what? Why is she staring at the new girl? Weird.. I'll ask her after class!

Wizard cookie pov
I'm almost done with everything I just need to do the homework. Who opened the door? Huh a new student, Strawberry cookie. she looks and sounds like she's shy so I'm just not gonna stare. Jeez almost everyone else is, poor girl.
*class starts*
Only a few more questions. Wait- is GingerBrave looking at me? Yep. *GingerBrave waves at him* *waves back* he's probably bored, wait what is GingerBright looking at? She's looking at the new girl..and blushing.? Of course she is. Anyways I'm gonna finish this.

*class ends*
Strawberry cookie pov
That wasn't bad.. maybe this is a good school for me! Or at least so far..wait which class is after this? Shoot! I don't even know anything about the schedule! Uh... I guess I could follow everyone else..? The teacher stopped me? Teacher: "oh yea here's the schedule for this school!" Strawberry: "thanks.!"

(Picture so you know what I'm talking about) (also I don't feel like making other teachers names)Oh wow

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(Picture so you know what I'm talking about) (also I don't feel like making other teachers names)
Oh wow.! We get breaks in between classes.!.wait..Hm..where should I go.? Oh there's a library.! I guess I can go there.! I mean it's quiet and I could probably play some of my video games..
*starts walking to the library then hears a footstep behind her* huh? Oh there's nothing.. I thought I heard someone behind me though..?  Whatever.. I'm just gonna continue walking

GingerBright pov
Class is finally done, maybe I can try to talk to strawberry cookie now! I'm gonna see where she's going.. oh! The library!
I'm gonna go to so I can talk to her!
*walking to the library behind strawberry and she accidentally makes a loud footstep* oh shoot! Uhh.. over here! ..phew she didn't see me.. that would've made me seem weird.. well anyways

No one pov
Strawberry (and gingerbright) walk into the library and strawberry decides to go sit at an empty table and gingerbright walks up to her
GingerBright: "hello! Strawberry cookie right?" Strawberry: "huh?" "Oh.! yea.!..Uh..hello.!" GingerBright: "so uh..can I sit here?" Strawberry: "sure.!" GingerBright: "thanks! Anyways since you're new want me to show you around and maybe we can be friends? Strawberry: "sure!" GingerBright: "oh yea my names GingerBright!" Strawberry: "you have a nice name!" Gingerbright: "thank you! You do to!" Strawberry: "thanks!"
*they start talking to each other* *gingerbright gets a text message*
GingerBright:"Oh! One second" strawberry: "oh ok.!"

GingerBright pov
I finally get to talk to her! She's so nice..and pretty.. wait ok focus! She's just your friend..
*they talk to each other* *she gets a text message* hm? Who's it from? Oh! GingerBrave, he wants to know where I am.. I'll tell him
GingerBrave: "where are you???"
GingerBright: "I'm at the library, why?"
GingerBrave: "oh ok! I wanted to hang out with you and wizard!"
GingerBright: "oh alright!"
well, there goes my time alone with her.. eh I'm sure it'll be fine!

Strawberry pov
Huh..she seems nice! And she's pretty.. ok strawberry snap out of it! She probably wouldn't like me back anyways..
*they talk to each other then gingerbright gets a text message*
..oh..well its probably just her friend or something and it won't take to long.!

No one pov
After GingerBright gets off her phone they start talking again then GingerBrave runs in followed by wizard cookie
"HI GINGERBRIGHT!" "GingerBrave calm down we're in the library." "Sorry wizard" "ooo wait you're hanging out with the new girl?!" GingerBright: "hey guys!" "And yea!" GingerBrave: "anyways as you heard I'm GingerBrave!" Wizard cookie: "and I'm wizard cookie" strawberry: "nice to meet you guys.!" "I'm guessing you know my name already because we're in the same class.?" GingerBrave: "yep! Cool name by the way!"strawberry: "oh thanks.!"

*they all start talking before class starts*
Strawberry: "well I guess we should go to class" GingerBright: "yea, I'll show you where the classroom is!" Strawberry: "alright, thanks!" GingerBright: "no problem!"

*at the end of the day bc idk what else to put*
*they talk*
Strawberry: "oh! My parents are here, bye guys!" GingerBright: "bye strawberry!" GingerBrave: "bye!" Wizard: "cya tomorrow"

In the car
Purple yam: "so how was your day?" Strawberry: "it was good! I made some friends too!" Milk cookie: "aw good! I'm glad you like your new school so far!" Strawberry: "yea, I'm happy it's nothing like my old school.." purple yam: "good that it's nothing like your old school because if anyone says anything mean to you I'll make them regret it this time." Milk: "babe, we talked about this, you can't beat up kids! It would be nice to but it's illegal" purple yam: "not if they don't know I did" "they can't stop me then." Milk cookie: "no."

end of this part
I hope you enjoyed this! I enjoyed writing it although it took a few hours to lol
Also: I will try to make more parts soon but I have school so I might not get to for a while, sorry!
Anyways goodbye, I'll see you when I make the next part!

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