The Rain

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Suddenly a down pour of rain fell out of the skies. Ava simply smiled as the rain fell on her skin. She could hear the sound of the raindrops hitting the ground and the distant rumble of thunder.

Ava was overwhelmed by the sight of the rain as it poured from the sky. She loved the rain. As she looked up, she thought to herself, it was a rare sight to see in California, and it was absolutely breathtaking. She always believed that rain was a sign of renewal and rain was just the sign she needed to help her move on from her disappointment of being fired.

She could smell the freshness of the rain as it hit the dry earth, filling the air with a clean scent. She could feel the droplets of water on her skin, cooling her in the heat of the day. The sound of the rain was a soothing melody that filled her with a sense of renewal and hope. The sight of the grey blue skies, the smell of the wet earth, the feel of the water, and the sound of the rain were all a reminder that new beginnings were possible, and she felt a deep sense of joy and peace.

Ava was taken by surprise as the car splashed her with dirty rainwater. The cold, gritty liquid street water hit her skin and soaked her clothing. She could feel her heart racing, and her body trembling with disgust. Suddenly, a young man came running across the street to check on her. He made sure to flip off the driver of the car, shouting asshole before he approached Ava.

His presence was a calming force, and he offered her his jacket to keep her warm. She was thankful for his thoughtfulness in her time of need. She could smell the faint scent of his cologne, he smelled like oakwood and vanilla. She felt a sensation of warmth radiating from his body as he stood close to her. His gentle touch on her arm was a reminder that she was safe, and she was deeply grateful for his presence.

Ava felt an instant connection to him. She could see the sincerity and concern in his eyes and the warmth of his smile. He introduced himself as David, his voice was gentle and inviting. He firmly gripped her hand, and Ava blushed. His hand was soft, and his touch was electric to her. In that moment, she knew that she had made a friend.

David offered to pay for Ava's ride home, and as they talked, she could feel his outrage and annoyance. He spoke with conviction about how people like the driver of the car saw people who were less fortunate than themselves and yet they still found pleasure in antagonizing them. His voice was filled with rage, and his face was a mask of anger. His gestures were forceful, and his words were passionate. She felt a deep since of familiarity with him and a connection to him. She knew that he was someone she could trust, and she was grateful for his support.

Ava gratefully accepted David's offer to pay for her ride home. As she prepared to leave, they exchanged contact information to stay in touch. Even though, something inside her told her she'd see him again soon. She studied his face as he wrote down his number on a piece of paper. His handwriting was neat and precise, he probably had a corporate job, she thought.

Ava and David said a heartfelt short goodbye as she entered the cab. She could feel the electricity between them as they embraced for the first-time. His grip on her body was warm and firm, and his touch was exciting. She slowly inhaled the faint scent of his cologne for one last time as he closed the door. She knew she'd never forget a man like him, his presence was strong and comforting, and she was filled with a deep sense of gratitude for the experience they had shared. The cab pulled away and Ava waved goodbye to David as he blurred into the distance.

Ava slumped down in the cab seat with a sigh of exhaustion after a long, stressful day. Despite being tired and worn out, she was filled with a sense of lightness and optimism that she hadn't felt in a while, thanks to meeting the charming man earlier that day and the fact it had finally rained. The combination of the two events had her feeling positive, even though so much bad had happened prior to.

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