Home Sweet Home

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Ava finally arrived home, still feeling the natural high of an amazing day. She couldn't stop thinking about David and the magical kiss they had shared.

She felt like he was a good luck charm—ever since she had met him, her life had been going so well. But she couldn't help but feel scared that it would be ripped away from her at any moment.

She realized that she had forgotten to tell her parents the good news, with all that was going on and she decided to Facetime them after a bath. But, as she walked into her bathroom, she realized that a shower would be more refreshing.

Feeling herself while the shower water ran hot and took a deep breath in, feeling herself relax. She couldn't help but think of what David's touch would be like in the moment and the electricity that ran through her when they kissed. She felt her hands wander down her body, exploring the curves and softness of her skin. The sensation of her hands on her body sent a shiver of pleasure down her spine and her breath caught in her throat. She felt herself get aroused and her heartbeat faster. She began to imagine it was David's hands on her body and she let out a moan as the pleasure increased. The young woman stepped into the shower, feeling the hot steamy water caress her skin. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, feeling her body relax. She let the hot steam takeover her senses as she felt the tension in her muscles start to unravel. She scrubbed her skin with a loofah and let the soapy lather slide down her back, the bubbles tickling her skin and leaving her feeling alive.

When she stepped out of the shower, she was exhausted and ready for bed. As she entered her bedroom, Bailey was already there, curled up beside her bed purring away. She smiled and scooped him up, relishing the warmth of his fur against her skin. She tucked him into the covers and texted her parents, letting them know vaguely about the exciting opportunities that had presented themselves to her today and the potential for a permanent job. Her dad was proud and that was enough for her.

With that, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

As Ava wakes up, she is immediately filled with a sense of excitement and nervousness. The sweet dreams that had been filling her mind all night seem to fade away as the reality of her first day at her dream job sets in. She can feel the soft, cool sheets against her skin as she stretches and sits up in bed.

Before the alarm has a chance to go off, she jumps out of bed and gets ready for the day ahead. She sets another alarm on her phone as a reminder to leave, then heads to the bathroom to get dressed. The sound of the water running in the sink and the feel of the smooth satin fabric of her blouse against her skin adds to the excitement of realizing this was the first day at her dream job. She was over the moon. 

She styled her long, curly brown hair into a high ponytail and laid her edges, her phone vibrated with a message from David, wishing her a great first day and reminding her that she is confident and capable. She smiled to herself, feeling a sense of warmth and support from the thought. Another message was from her parents wishing her good luck and telling her how proud they were only added to the positive energy she was feeling.

Ava was  grateful  and replied  to both messages, she grabbed her glasses and headed to the kitchen for a quick breakfast. She heard the soft purring of Bailey as she filled his bowls with his favorite meal and fresh water. The microwave beeped as the smell of the warm breakfast sandwich filled the kitchen. She quickly ate and washed it all down will a class of orange juice, preparing to head out the door for the bus.

Ava headed out the door, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and determination. For the first time in a long time, she is actually looking forward to going to work. She had made it a goal to be early to this new job, determined to make a good impression on her first day.

She headed to the bus stop, the cool morning air hitting her face as she walks. She could hear the sound of the birds chirping away and the distant hum of traffic as she approached  the bus stop. She took a deep breath and reminded herself to stay focused and to stay on track.

As the bus arrived and she climbed aboard, she   could feel the anticipation building inside her. She took a seat and settled in for the ride, mentally preparing herself for the day ahead. She knew that this was a big opportunity for her and she was determined to make the most of it. As Ava exited the bus and neared the front door of her new job, she could feel her heart racing with excitement and nerves. She took a deep breath and pushed open the glass door, to be greeted by Valerie.

Valerie gave her a warm smile and seemed pleased to see that she was early. They exchanged a few pleasantries before she began  to give Ava a tour of the building. Ava took in all the sights and sounds of her new workplace, trying to commit everything to memory.

Valerie told her that at Palm & Hutton, they provide advice and assistance to customers looking to book trips and vacations.

In the back of the room, there was a small kitchenette area with a coffee machine, where clients could grab a cup of coffee while  Valerie helped them plan their trips. There was also a small lounge area where clients could relax while they waited for their appointments.

Finally, Valerie directed her to her work space, and  explained where she could find everything she needed. Ava took a seat at her desk and looked around, she felt a sense of  accomplishment and gratitude. She couldn't believe that she was actually there, at her dream job,  it finally happened.

Ava spent the majority of her first day on the job observing and learning from Valerie. She watched  tediuously as Valerie took calls and fulfilled virtual intake appointments with new clients, taking mental notes on how she would  handle similar situations in the future.

In between meetings, Valerie took  time to train Ava and showed her where to find client files and how to organize them. She also taught her how to plan vacation budgets for their travel clients.

Ava was grateful for the opportunity to learn and was eager to start taking on more responsibilities as she became more comfortable in her new role.

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