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That was not the end for me it was the beginning as I was going around the 2 different universes and through different parallel and alternate universe these are my stories that I have to say you're probably wondering who I am and what I have used to be. Well I used to be a teenage girl who was having everything in common with everyone else that was at least human. Until someone had murdered me this might Be similar to lovely bones but it is not this is me telling my end of my story of the beginning of the next story which is being an alternate universe a dream around if you would.

My name used to be Claudia I used to be a very nice girl who had a lot of things in common with a lot of people and made a lot of friends. I ran into some bad luck one time usually being in the wrong place in the wrong time usually is a case. I did not know how to defend myself and the wrong person came and attacked me.

As I was trying to fight them off as best as I could I was seeing myself separate from my body and then going into a wormhole into another universe another dimension if you would.

When I return to the ultimate destination I think it was the ultimate destination was this alternate universe alternate dimension it turned out to be a beautiful place kind of like Japan but only without buildings and stuff is very nice and you can see things and you can actually see different constellations that were different from that of Earth or the universe that I was in in the 1st place. I wonder how my parents would have felt if they had known that I had passed away by the hands of a serial killer. But that's not the important part of the story them Portland part of the story is my eternity in this realm this alternate universe. As there are boats and fish in the sky and clouds in the water there are many things you wish you could see on Earth but you can't argue that cherry blossoms at last forevor that are not fleeting like that on Earth it says if it is eternal.

When I ended up going there I didn't need anyone particularly for the 1st few whiles all I know is there is twi sun it was not hot but it was very disturbing  to two sun's in the this what seemed  like a humanless Japan.

When I continued walking through the pink forest which was a bunch of cherry blossoms I found that it was very interesting on the last there were spirits there but there were no people. As if to say there were only spirit that we're in this round the stream round that was around me all around me. Surrounding me forever and Eternity where I was gonna be there for the rest of my days which was gonna be until the universe was gonna fizzle out or go like a light balloon. I do not know how I got there all I know is my body separated from my soul and the next thing you know I ended up making sure that I was going through a wormhole which was kind of painful and that the next thing you know I was What's in this place where I belong now. Do I really belong here I wasn't the best person I got on to fight with my parents another stuff.

As I said I used to be the average teenager where I would get in the trouble with anyone and everyone sometimes organized friendship with everyone and everyone at some point 2. I was not perfect why was I in this heaven like round to begin with was something else completely entirely different.

When was I gonna wake up was the thought that was coming through my head at 1st one was I gonna wake up and go back to school and see my friends and some of my enemies I thought I was 1 of my enemies that may have killed me at 1st but it turned out it was a different story altogether.

All I know is I could be in a coma in a hospital somewhere and there's could have been a near death experience but I tried to go back to Earth try to find the portal or the wormhole back to Earth but it had shut completely and I was stuck here forever. These are gonna be my adventures

End my adventures into my story of my after life

As I was walking around in the pink forest I saw that these skeleton like creatures were actually just friendly little ghosts that were trying to get me to enjoy my stay there as if I wanted to enjoy my stay I want my friend's little did I know that I would find friends here. But I didn't know where or how. I knew there may be other people there if this was a heaven round there was gonna be other Places or other people around there that we're gonna be able to talk to me.

As I said I wasn't the perfect person I got in the fight with my enemies sometimes I've had a few close calls to coming to this place. Then I ended up also making a lot of good friends and finding a lot of good people in my life that helped me fight with my heart instead of my fists.

When I 1st came here I thought I took a piody or something of that's where I was actually dreaming or hallucinating something that I did not imagine I would think of I never used drugs in the 1st place but I was thinking someone slipped Cody in my drink before I got into a fight with someone particularly the serial killer who did me in.

When I see the friendly eye sockets of the actual skeleton like creatures they were similar to that of princess mononoke where they were dealing with the same thing like skeleton like creatures that were protectors of the forest and protectors of the round that was very interesting on the last to see these creatures greet me and try to turn their head and clack a couple of times before they ended up turning right back around. When I saw them I was 1st frustrated I didn't but then I found out that they were just trying to be friendly to me in the 1st place.

Then I ended up going to a place outside of the forest a clearing of wild flowers actually a field of wildflowers where I was able to see the place where there were some people picking Some wild flowers and I was hoping to talk to them but they were too busy with what they were doing was I going to have to be alone at this time I stayed around in the Meadow or the clearing for quite some time until I saw An actual person Trying to approach me saying hello and welcome to this Alicia like place I would say I would say I'm because it was more of a beautiful place in anything else. Something I would not imagine in my life As I said it was alysium it was Paradise and I was able to find that I was gonna meet my 1st friend there in the 1st place to begin with. Her name was Joanne she was a very nice lady she was older than me she had some wrinkles she must be a better round 39 years old and was talking to me and telling me how this place worked that there were no rules because everyone was good here to begin with.

Everyone here was a victim of some kind of traumatic event that caused her death. Something I did not know about and there were no rules because everyone was wholesome and good they were all victims of some kind of crime or atrocity or something to that effect that causes their death. I ended up meeting other people as well.

When I ended up meeting a couple of other people that were picking flowers in the Meadow though actual wild flowers I found out that I also met Anne Frank for the first time.  She was the one who created the nineties that showed about what was going on in the holocaust it was very interesting to talk to her and see what she was like. She was very nice and humble human being who wanted to learn languages and other wonderful things in the world. But was cut short body atrocities from the nazis.

Another person I met was Eleanor Roosevelt who was not killed but was here because she decided to drop the UN charter of human rights which was very important to me in life as I was going to be a lawyer at some point in my life. Me these interesting people were very interesting and there were still in the Meadow the skeleton like creatures that were like the size of my hand.

I wonder what I was going to look at next or see next in this wonderful world.

The Dream realm | book 1Where stories live. Discover now