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"Ughh". Cole let out a groan as he rolled on the bed to a position which left him facing upwards.

"Oh good, you're awake". Jayson said as he walked into the room and sat on the bed beside Cole's laying figure.

"What time is it". The blonde muttered.

"8 o'clock". Jayson answered.

"It's still so early!". Cole whined and rolled away from the brunette, using the blanket to cover himself completely.

"No it's not, now get up". Jayson urged as he tried to drag the blanket of Cole but the blonde didn't budge.

"Oh for fucks sake". Jayson let out a sigh and stood at the edge of the bed with his arms crossed as he watched the blonde drift back into a peaceful slumber.

"Fine then, I guess Claire and I are just gonna eat the pancakes alone". Jayson mused, walking towards his bedroom door.

The speed in which Cole shot up from the bed and got out almost had him tumbling and falling face flat on the floor, but Jayson steadied him by placing his hands on Cole's shoulders.

"I'm up". The blonde chimed. "I want pancakes".

"Go brush your teeth first". Jayson let go of Cole's shoulders and patted his head.

"Ehh, I'll brush after eating". Cole shrugged and walked past the brunette, only to be pulled back a few seconds later.

"No. You're brushing first". Jayson spoke, his hold on Cole's arm tightened but not too tight. "Your breath stinks".

"Ughh, why do you have to be such a mom?!". The blonde scowled trying to break free of the brunette's grasp, but it was of no use.

"Why do you always have to be such a child?". Jayson quirked a brow at the other boy as he watched in amusement, Cole trying to free his arm.

"I'm not a child!". Cole's brows pushed together in a frown.

"Neither am I a mom". Jayson shot Cole a look as if he was saying 'quit it'.



"Is everything ok with you boys up there". Mai, Jayson's mom called out from downstairs.

"Everything's fine!". The two boys chorused simultaneously.

"You, brush, now". Jayson dragged Cole to the bathroom and handed him a toothbrush, to which the blonde reluctantly took and grumbled lowly.

"You're so childish". Jayson sighed out.

"You're so parentish". Cole mumbled with as he glared at the brunette through the bathroom mirror.

"That's not a word though". Jayson pointed out.

"It is in my dictionary".

The boys bickered back and forth until Cole was done brushing his teeth and then they went downstairs.

"Good morning Aunt Mai". Cole cooed engulfing her in a hug.

"Good morning dear". Mai replied also hugging him back and pecked his forehead.

"What i don't get a hug?". Jayson narrowed his eyes at the pair only to get a glare sent his way from Cole.

"You had your hug when you came downstairs an hour ago , now help me set the table". Mai replied.

But Jayson wasn't talking about his mom, he narrowed his at the blonde whose glare hadn't faltered, and Cole being the child he was stuck his tongue out to the brunette and walked away.

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