Biblical vision 1-9-23

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At the start of the dream I was in a large building that looked like some kind of government building, with Greco/Roman architecture. There were many people in the large round chamber, seated in recessed alcoves on the floor. I was standing up on a sort of runway cross-section of the floor, in a line with several other people. A meeting had been called to discuss the release of some prisoners.

The 'Dahenazi Trio' they were called. They had a bad reputation, and they were due to be released.

The man in line in front of me was dressed in full Orthodox regalia, hat with long curls, and a white stoll with blue embroidery. He turned around to face me, and the full assemblage, and then started some kind of prayer.

I wanted to be respectful of him, but it occurred to me that he doesn't speak for me, and this was not right for me, personally.

So I stepped to the side of him, and also turned around to face the assemblage, and held out my hands in the manner of the Baphomet statue, right hand up, left hand down, palms facing outward. I wanted representation for the pagan peoples of the world, because this place did seem to be some sort of a global caucus.

I spoke softly to myself, as I know that is all that is required to communicate with Spirits, one does not need to shout, and started the process of invoking spirits and asking for guidance.

I felt something like a smack on the back of my head, and heard the word "No" stated clearly in my mind. I looked around but didn't see anyone close enough to me to have done that.

I decided to go sit down at an open chair towards the back, and bow my head. I held my right hand over my heart and focused on breathing deeply. A woman approached me who was wearing ancient Israeli attire, a simple blue dress with a long shawl that covered her hair, cascades down over one shoulder and then draped around her waist. The shawl was a much darker blue, embroidered with gold stars, and had a gold hem. Her hair was brown, and very curly, and loose to below her shoulders that I could see. Her energy was very good, she felt like a kind person.

She told me that having my necklace break was a bad sign, but that she could help. I looked at my necklace and discovered that it had indeed broken at the clasp, and was about to fall off, so I removed it from my neck. She took it, and tossed it to the side aisle. I reclaimed it and put it away.

Then this woman told me that I must heal myself. "I need a Healer, and you're the only one I've got, so hurry up and heal yourself" is specifically what she said.

I didn't feel any particular motivation to help this woman, other than that she seemed like a good person who was stressed about something, but healing myself didn't seem like a bad suggestion.

I put my right hand over my heart again, where I was feeling some pain, and focused my energies on healing. I was instantly transported to a different place.

I seemed to be in a therapist office of some type. Another woman waited for me on the other side of some doors. I can't remember exactly what she asked, but it led me to speak about a horrific abuse cycle that began when I was 8 years old and lasted for two years. And then I also mentioned being purposely starved as a teenager by my parents.

I was told that those are the things I need to focus on healing. 

Then I was instantly back with the woman in blue, like I had never left my chair. I poured energy from my hand into my heart until the pain subsided. As I did this, the room about us changed.

The room became smaller, the number of people much less. The walls were covered with fabric of different colors, predominately rich blues and reds, but some other colors as well. Golden candelabra lit the room.

I was kneeling now, instead of sitting. Rows were being arranged around me by placing a chair in between two people kneeling, with the chair acting as a place to put your stuff down. Two more chairs were placed ahead of me, making two more rows of kneeling people.

At the front of the room was some kind of gold thing that I couldn't see clearly, it was set on a table, and about as big as a microwave, maybe a little bigger. All I could see it that it was made of gold.

On the right side of the room there was a head of a man set on a little table. I had thought it was a statue, but it came alive and started talking. Babbling a confession about selling idols to the Deanesians. It wasn't talking to me, it faced something at the front, close to the gold thing.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus more on healing. When I opened them I was standing alone in a shaft of sunlight coming down into the center of the room from above. In my hands was a large acorn. Bigger than my hands. As I examined it, I noticed a seam in the side. I gently twisted the acorn inside my hands, and it broke apart into TWO smaller acorns. Each acorn was full and complete, in and of itself, yet formed oddly so that the two fit together perfectly. I could see a tiny dot on the bottom inside of each to show a little connection that had been between them that I broke by twisting.

"The Two That Were One" I said aloud.

From behind me, the woman in blue approached, with some other people behind her.

"What did you say?" she asked me.

I turned to show her the acorns. "The Two that were One" I stated again.

I held the acorn up high over my head. "TWINS" I exclaimed.

There was a crack in the air, very loud, and then a voice like thunder boomed from the Heavens, "LET THE WORLD KNOW".

Then I woke up, it was 2:22am.

I can't imagine why the voice thought that the world needs to know about twin acorns, or why it thought I had the ability to inform the world about these acorns, but if this interests you, then maybe this message was for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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