Chapter 12

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  Several of the people sitting here looked dazed, apparently they were intoxicated most of the time and didn't care about current affairs and news.

The only one who has an impression is Wen Yang, "I remember, it was an old man who found it when he was jogging in the morning. I heard that it was a man and a woman or brothers and sisters, both under ten years old, who were tortured and killed. It was very vicious, but didn't the murderer be caught? It seems to be a perverted pedophile."

Zhou Jingnian would not mention something unrelated to them, Wen Yang looked at the other party's unclear face under the light, he lowered his With a voice that only he and Zhou Jingnian could hear, he asked, "Is this related to the Zeng family?"

Zhou Jingnian reminded him, "That man is just a substitute."

Wen Yang was startled, substitute for the deceased? Doesn't that mean the real murderer is still at large? A bold guess suddenly rose in Wen Yang's heart, "This matter cannot be..."

However, his words were interrupted by Zhou Jingnian's next actions.

Putting the juice on the table, Zhou Jingnian stood up, glanced at him, and said, "I'll leave for a while."

Wen Yang's words were stuck in his throat, so he could only watch Zhou Jingnian walk towards the bar , said a few words to the little waiter, and helped him go to the back. The gentle scum was called Hua Song, and the head of the plane was called Xiang Gan. The two approached Wen Yang and asked curiously

, "Brother Wen, what does Shao Zhou mean by mentioning that case?"

Zhou Jingnian immediately asked to understand. He thought that if the matter was as he had guessed, if they could grasp the clue, the Zeng family would be over immediately after the matter was exposed.

It's just that this case has been closed for a year. How did Zhou Jingnian, a foreigner, know about it? Why is he so sure, as if he knows the whole truth of the matter.

He was still guessing wildly, but Zhou Jingnian had already returned.

Hua Song saw Zhou Jingnian's meticulous care for the little waiter, and thought of the other party's care for the waiter, so he murmured to Xiang Gan: "Seeing how Zhou Jingnian likes the waiter, how can he be willing to let him stay in the bar so late?" Work."

Xiang Gan said: "Maybe it's just looking for something new, and you'll get tired of it after a while, and you don't want to spend your time on the other party."

Wen Yang and Xiang Gan have a different opinion. The drinks they ordered were all under the waiter's name, and the other party could get a commission. This kind of special care, either Zhou Jingnian really didn't care, or he cared too much, and cared about the other party's self-esteem, so he helped in this way. For some reason, his opinion was in favor of the latter.

When Zhou Jingnian came back, he brought another glass of juice. Tonight, each glass of juice has different flavors, and Fang Zheng specially prepared it for him.

As soon as Zhou Jingnian sat down, Wen Yang couldn't wait to ask about what happened just now.

Zhou Jingnian said like a puzzle: "At first, the section of the road where the floating corpse was found happened to be within the monitoring range of the section, but when the police went to collect evidence, they found that the monitoring there was broken just a few days before the incident, and it was repaired only two days ago. So this directly increased the difficulty of the police investigating the case. It is said that for this reason, the construction unit responsible for the monitoring facilities on that section of the road was held accountable, including the monitoring personnel in charge of monitoring. Although the 'real culprit' was found in the end , but it took the police a long time to track it down."

Hua Song and Xiang Gan were confused by what they heard, but only Wen Yang grasped the point directly as if enlightened.

After that, Zhou Jingnian didn't say anything more, and what to do next depends on Wen Yang's ability. Zhou Jingnian still wants to use him in the future. If he has already mentioned this point and Wen Yang can't do anything, then Wen Yang's ability is questionable. .

Wen Yang soon lost the mood to drink and have fun, and left in a hurry. Hua Song and Xiang Gan followed suit, leaving only Zhou Jingnian sitting where he was, drinking juice and watching Fang Zheng.

Zeng Rong especially likes beautiful children, men and women alike, and he happened to see that pair of siblings passing by the gate of an elementary school, and he started thinking about them. Relying on his family wealth and power, he ran amok and asked someone to tie the siblings back, sexually tortured them to death, put the body in a sack, put stones and threw it into the moat. It was not fastened properly, and the stones were placed too few. The body floated after sinking for two days.

What's more, they didn't expect that the scene of them throwing the corpse that day was recorded in all directions by the newly installed surveillance camera that was hidden under a big tree within a few days. However, like a ghost, he kept the surveillance in private, wrote down the license plate number and notified the owner of the car, asking the owner to find a way to destroy the surveillance, and then extorted money from him.

Zeng Rong didn't expect that the matter would be known, but even if someone found out, he wasn't really worried. He just told the family who could make the decision and let the other party protect him. That person was naturally the relative of the Zeng family. Although the relative hated Zeng Rong, he couldn't bear to see him in trouble, so he sent someone to negotiate with Li, gave Li a satisfactory price, and helped him. He found an errand, and even cheated the world, and pushed a middle-aged man who was suffering from cancer and had a poor family to come out as the real culprit.

According to the normal track of this incident, the truth will become clear next summer. It was a small policeman who was involved in the case at the time who found out and exposed it. When the case was closed, he felt that something was wrong, so he always had a doubt in his heart, and he never gave up the investigation. Then he found clues, knew about Li, knew about Zeng Rong, and found out the whereabouts of the "real murderer" family members and In the end, he found out the truth of the whole case.

The case was even more sensational than when it first came out, and it was discussed everywhere at that time. Afterwards, Zeng's family was thrown into hell, unable to recover completely, and Zeng Rong was sentenced to death directly.

Now Zeng Rong thinks that the matter is over, and acts without any scruples. He is still restrained now, but it is not because of the warning given to him by that case, but because his relatives are now at a critical juncture in vying for positions, and he cannot hold back. He is a typical person who does not shed tears when he sees the coffin. In this life, Zhou Jingnian wants to strengthen himself in advance. The starting point is set in Belvedere. Decided to settle Zeng Rong's family in advance.

Because the next day was Saturday, most people didn't need to go to work and school, and they played very late, so Fang Zheng's get off work was also delayed, and it was past one o'clock when the two left the bar.

Fang Zheng took two servings of French fries from the bar. He sat on the back seat of the car, ate one for himself, and fed Zhou Jingnian another. With someone to accompany him, he was in a good mood and enjoyed himself.

When approaching Fang Zheng's house, Zhou Jingnian suddenly said, "Ah Zheng, can you do me a favor?"

Fang Zheng blinked his cat's eyes, "What's the matter?"

"My grandma's birthday is coming up this month." Zhou Jingnian said, "I want to buy her a massage chair, but I don't have enough money. Can I go to the amusement park with you to work part-time tomorrow?"

Fang Zheng saw a massage chair in a part-time shopping mall, and it was quite expensive. It costs several thousand. He actually doubted the authenticity of Zhou Jingnian's words, after all, the other party was not like the kind of person who would be short of money. It's just that what he hears the most is that the other party mentions his grandmother, thinking that the other party has transferred to another school, and whether there is any conflict with the family.

Sure enough, Zhou Jingnian said with a bit of embarrassment on his face, as if confirming his guess, "I have a bit of a conflict with my family, and I don't want to reach out and ask them for money."

This was the first time Fang Zheng saw Zhou Jingnian's expression like this. His whole body seemed to come alive. He immediately said: "I understand, let me help you to ask tomorrow, and see you at the gate of Happy World tomorrow?"

The embarrassment and gloom that Zhou Jingnian pretended to dissipate quickly, he said with a light smile: "I'll pick you up tomorrow, let's go together."

Fang Zheng raised his hand lively and made an "ok" gesture, "Thank you Take me back, and be careful on the way back."

"Well, go to bed early, good night."

"Good night."

After Fang Zheng entered the house, Zhou Jingnian rushed home under the moonlight.

Liu Feng was still lying on the sofa in a daze, Zhou Jingnian came home so late for several days in a row, the old lady had objections.

Liu Feng conveyed the old lady's opinion, and said: "I said you worked too hard to chase a little boy."

Zhou Jingnian said to him: "Grandma's birthday is coming soon, I have to work to earn money, buy her a Birthday present, and Xueer, it's time for a physical examination."

Xueer is the cat raised by the old lady, who is as precious as a daughter and has regular physical examinations. Zhou Jingnian's argument about the old lady's birthday was not a lie. The only lie was that he was ashamed to ask his family members for money. Although he hasn't made any money yet, he had quite a lot of small coffers in the past. A birthday gift worth a few thousand dollars is definitely affordable, just to be able to accompany Fang Zheng more naturally.

Listening to the excuses made by his nephew, Liu Feng looked at him with a look of "you think I'll believe you if you say that".

"Good night." Tomorrow he had to get up early, Zhou Jingnian didn't want to talk too much with his crazy uncle, so he decided to go to bed immediately.

Looking at the tall and cold back of his nephew again, Liu Feng felt a little bit "the boy is not allowed to stay".

These few days left too early, Zhou Jingnian had less time to communicate with the old lady. He also got up early the next day, but went to the old lady's room on purpose.

Xue'er was sleeping with the old lady by the pillow, and when she heard the door open, she raised her head and saw that it was her nephew, then lowered her head and continued to sleep with her eyes closed.

The old lady was a light sleeper, she woke up when Zhou Jingnian opened the door. Seeing that his grandson was dressed neatly, he hurriedly asked, "Isn't today Saturday? Where are you going so early?"

Zhou Jingnian sat on the edge of the bed, held the old lady's wrinkled hand, and said, "I'm going to work part-time to earn money. Money to buy gifts for grandma." The

old lady couldn't help laughing, "Oh, you are only so young, how much money can you earn?"

Zhou Jingnian coaxed the old lady: "I have made an appointment with someone today. I have time tomorrow. I'll accompany you." The

old lady was really surprised: "Are you really going to work part-time?"

"It's in Happy World." Zhou Jingnian said.

The old lady asked: "Then can I go there to see you?"

"Yes." "Then grandma

will call you when the time comes, okay?"


But in the end the old lady was happy, and they made an appointment to have lunch together, and Zhou Jingnian went out.

When Zhou Jingnian arrived at Fang Zheng's house, Fang Zheng was sitting on the side of the alley waiting for him with a small bag on his back. As soon as I saw him, I waved to him excitedly.

Zhou Jingnian turned the car around in front of him, "How long have you been waiting?"

"Not a few minutes." Fang Zheng got into the car directly, with his hands skillfully supporting his waist.

Zhou Jingnian stepped on his bicycle, "I only know the approximate location of Happy World, where are we going?"

"You just follow the road we go to school every day, and I'll tell you when it's time to turn."


"Have you had breakfast?"

"Not yet."

"I'll ask you later How about you eat siu mai? There is a breakfast shop near the Happy Square, and the siu mai inside is delicious."


Because they left early and there wasn't much traffic on the road, Zhou Jingnian didn't ride slowly all the way. , chatted with Fang Zheng without saying a word, and it took more than half an hour to arrive at the breakfast shop that Fang Zheng mentioned.

I bought the most common glutinous rice siu mai, with thin skin and big stuffing, crystal clear. Although the ingredients are simple, the taste is really good.

While eating, Zhou Jingnian also handed Fang Zheng the milk he brought.

After Fang Zheng drank a few sips, he looked at him, and finally asked strangely: "Grandma prepares milk for you every day, but doesn't she prepare breakfast for you?"

Zhou Jingnian paused, and said very naturally: "No, milk every day. I heat it myself. She will check whether I have used the pot every day, and the amount of milk going down."

Fang Zheng looked at him sympathetically, think about it, this kind of thing that is obviously very annoying but has to be done every day is actually pretty cool. Terrible. He comforted Zhou Jingnian: "After all, it's grandma who put in so much effort."

Zhou Jingnian nodded approvingly.

After breakfast, the two found a place to put their bicycles, and Fang Zheng took Zhou Jingnian into the Happy World Amusement Park.

Fang Zheng found the person in charge and told Zhou Jingnian's willingness to work part-time next week.

Perhaps God was helping Zhou Jingnian, and it just so happened that the part-timers who had made appointments did not come today, so it was cheaper for Zhou Jingnian. Like Fang Zheng, he was a doll, and his work place was still very close.

Because playing a doll is very hot, tiring, and hard work, the salary is higher than handing out leaflets, and you can take a break every once in a while.

As a senior in this field, Fang Zheng told Zhou Jingnian some precautions, and would go to visit him when there were few people on the way. When they took a break for the first time, the two of them were already sweating profusely.

Zhou Jingnian went to buy two bottles of mineral water, unscrewed the caps and handed them to Fang Zheng, "How is it? Are you okay?" Although his hair was also wet, he was more worried about Fang Zheng than himself, after all, his feet were not fully developed. Swelling, unable to use full force.

Fang Zheng took a few sips of water, touched his hair, and said with a smile, "I'm used to it, but it's your first time doing such a thing. Can you bear it?"

"It's okay." Zhou Jingnian Said, he sat down beside Fang Zheng and took a few sips slowly.

His legs were paralyzed, and the pain he had endured and endured during the nearly ten years since Fang Zheng left him was nothing compared to this. Now he is by Fang Zheng's side, just sweating, as long as he can see this person, he even enjoys it.

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