a new start

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welcome the first part, I tried my best so enjoy!!

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"Zoey, wake up! it's time to get ready " I looked at my clock and realized it's already 9 pm. We have to go at 10 to catch the train. While rushing out of bed I tripped over some random books on the floor. I saw a reflection of myself in the mirror, I looked so dumb laying there with my hair being a mess and still wearing my Disney pyjama's. While getting ready I couldn't help but make up about a honderd scenarios about my first day at school. Good ones and really bad ones

Walking towards the train-station i suddenly felt some sort of heat wave going trough me. It felt like butterfly's but warm and different. I thought it didn't bother me to move schools but now that it's really happening, I don't like to admit it but I am kind of scared. What if people are going to hate me? Or even worse, what if I'm going to fail my classes? My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when Buddy started to bark. The golden retriever was jumping against a conductor shaking his butt happily.

I was stil in the clouds thinking about how Hogwarts is going to be when we arrived at platform 9 3/4 Surprisingly my little boy wasn't scared to go through the solid wall, I definitely was. If I am going trough that wall it will all be real, then there is no going back. I was being pulled forward by buddy and before I knew I was on the other side. It was chaos, baggage was handed around and put it the train. People were crying and yelling, they were saying their parents goodbye and I just stood there freezed. I couldn't move, even if I wanted to.

I felt my mom putting her arm around my shoulder and I finally relaxed. " it's going to be okay hunny let's put your bagage in the train " hearing her voice made me feel safe. My mom has always been there for me, she is my biggest supporter and i love her so much. Leaving her is going to be the hardest part but it's part of it. The worst part. my dad put my big suitcases in the train. The conductor shouted that everyone has to get on because the train wil leave in a few minutes. I told myself that I wouldn't cry but as soon as my parents hugged me the tears were rolling down my cheeks. " I am going to miss you guys so much" was what I was trying to say but I came out like I uhuhuhuam going to mimimiss youuh guys souuhhh muuuch. It was so embarrassing crying so hard in front of everybody but I am a girl with strong feelings okey. 'get in now! train departs' I stepped on the stairs while carrying buddy upstairs because I didn't want to risk him falling between the rails.

I found an empty compartment and sat down. Buddy jumped on the couch next to me snuggling up to me. A few seconds later this boy with a lightning scar and his two friends asked if they could sit with me. Ofcourse is said yes, they seemed really nice.
Hi I am Zoey and this little guy here is buddy. "Nice to meet you Zoey I am Harry. The ginger introduced himself as Ron and the girl as Hermione. We sat down and talked.
Is it correct that I have never seen you before zoey?  Hermione asked me. "that could be correct I just transferred from south west wizarding school"
" that's interesting, I have never seen anyone transferring, why did you?''
" oh I just didn't have any friends and it didn't click with my teachers" no way i was going to tell them that I got bullied.Well you got us as your friends now  Harry said with a big smile on his face.

We talked a bit more when suddenly a girl with white platinum blond hair jumped trough the door. Buddy jumped up against her and started to lick her face.
" he must really like you " i told her while giggling. " well I like him to, don't you good boy. My name is Luna by the way " . "nice to meet to Luna I am zoey ". nice to meet you to, I was actually here to ask you guys if any of you saw Neville's toad? it's lost again. No sorry Luna we haven't, good luck with looking to. it was the first time I heard the auburned boy talk.
While walking alway Buddy followed her into the hallway. I think he wants to help you search i said.
" well if it's okey with you I would love to have him help me " of course that's okey, I will see you guys soon good luck buddy!

I think the train ride was about 2 hours long. I had a nice chat with the three of them but I was glad I had fresh air again. 'where can we get our luggage? '
'Oh they bring it to the castles for us don't worry about it, follow me to the carriages'
I followed the mysterious brunette to the woods.
She seemed really nice but also kind of nervous,I couldn't quite fathom her.
I put my bag between my legs when these beautiful thestrals started to pull the carriages. I wasn't going to ask them if they saw them to. I don't wanna know what they would think of me....

"You can sit with us at the start" The boy with the cute round glasses interrupted my thoughts. Oh that's sweet thank you I responded. Where do you hope you get sorted? Ron asked me.
"What do you mean Ron? "
"you know Gryffindor or Hufflepuff.. "
she doesn't know what your taking about Ron, Hermione interrupted.
"At Hogwarts you have 4 houses, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin"
"You definitely don't wanna get sorted in Slytherin Ron said with a serious face. Why not? I asked him.
" every house stands for something, you get sorted in a house that fits you. For instance Gryffindor values
courage, bravery, nerve, and helping others. We're all Gryffindors ofcourse'' 
I wouldn't have expected anything else I laughed.
"You didn't like Slytherin right? what do they value? "Ambition, cunningness, heritage, and resourcefulness"
" Well that doesn't sound so bad, expect for cunningness"
" Believe me Zoey, when you meet them you will totally understand me "
" if you say so Ron "

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UI hoped you all enjoyed the first part. As I was saying before it's my first time writhing anything so I am not sure if I used the " correct when someone was saying something. I hoped you all understand who said what, any help is welcome!

Love you bye!;)

certified lovergirl - a Hogwarts storyWhere stories live. Discover now