Together Again

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The two stare at each other for a few minutes until reality hits them-aka aizawa telling Kai to have a seat-. Kai walks to his seat still in utter shock.Their classmates were in just as much shock. They wanted to know if they knew each other. They seemed to sense some sort of chemistry between them. The two were better acquainted then they thought
      Each student got a template sheet and picked the best improvements for their customs. They could change the color, the fabric, the weight, the equipment used on it, everything. Kai wanted his designs to be very simple. He didn't want all the extra weapons, just a suit that's fireproof. He began drawing the design and adding what he wanted (go to top to see hero custom). As he was drawing he felt eyes on him so he lifted his head slightly to see Katsuki staring into his soul. They held eye contact for less than 5 seconds before Katsuki turned away in embarrassment for being caught staring. 

     Kai focused his eyes back on the paper he had in his hand. When their eyes met in that small timeframe he felt butterflies arise in his stomach. His heart was pounding and his palms were sweaty. Kai already knew what these feelings were. He was and has always been in love with Katsuki even as a kid. That crush he felt was just his childish heart telling him that he loved this person. 

    Kai tried hard to refocus on his custom but eventually just turned it in. He didn't want much to begin with. After he returned to his seat and slumped down. He was ready for the class to be over so he could go be alone through lunch. The bell finally rang for class to end. He was first one out of the door speeding past everyone in the hallways until he reached a set of doors. He opened them and they led him to the roof. He pushed the door closed behind him-or so he thought- and took a deep breath. 

He didn't know what he could possibly say to Katsuki right now. He tried to be ready for this exact moment but nothing would ever truly prepare him for it. When he saw him, Kai stood there speechless, frozen in the moment. He sat down with his back against the wall farthest from the door. He looked over the edge and then back down to his lap. When he finally looked up he noticed that someone was spying from behind the door because it was cracked.

"I know you're there. Just come out." He said nonchalantly. Katsuki pushed the door open with a blank expression on his face. 

"How dare you leave for that long and come back and not even speak to me." Katsuki said head hung low looking toward the ground.

"I-i don't know what to say to you. Its been so long I wouldn't even know where to start." Kai placed his hands in his pockets and looked away.

"Bastard how about I missed you, I'm sorry for leaving you for so long. How about it was hell for me without you. I spent almost every night staring at a ceiling wondering when you'll come back. How about..... I love you" Katsuki's voice cracked at the last words spoken, tears threatening to fall.

"It was hell for me without you. I didn't sleep at night. It WAS torture. I DO love you. That's why I got these." He said pointing to the necklace around his neck. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't here but it wasn't my choice. If it was my choice i would have stayed here with you." He finally looked up. Katsuki huffed and went to sit next to Kai. 

"Why did you stop calling? Stop texting, hell even stop sending letters." He turned his head toward Kai looking in his eyes

"My dad bought us new phones and got rid of all of the old stuff before I could get the number. I was pissed because my dad did it on purpose because he felt like i was distracted" Kai looked down at his hands and sighed 

"Why would he think that you were distracted?"  Katsuki asked small tears spilling down his face

"He wanted me to learn how to control my quirk better. He felt like you were just going to get in my way" Kai eyes squinted in pain

"What about your mom then?" He asked tears still falling

"She'll do whatever he says. I was in a lose lose situation either way you flip the coin" Kai turned his eyes to Katsuki seeing the tears roll from his face

"Why can't you control your quirk?" He questioned through mild sobs

"I-I just got so angry with my parents that it built up over the years to the point where my quirk acted on its own. I've hurt people with it. Ive destroyed things. I don't want to do that anymore'' Kai said looking at his hands

"My dad wanted me to take over the family business and marry his rivals daughter. I told him no and that's when he took all my stuff and got rid of it. So yeah i was miserable without you. The only thing I had was the necklace.  I got bullied for speaking three languages, my hair, my quirk especially. No matter how many times I told my dad I didn't want to go to that awful school he forced me anyway. You were the only light i had all those years." Kai looked up again at Katsuki who was now full on bawling.

"You went through so much and i wasn't there to comfort you. You only went through because you were trying to stay loyal to me. You didn't have to do that" Katsuki said through a plethora of sobs

"No, I did it because I love you. Don't cry for me, I'm fine. We're together again." Kai stood from his spot and walked over to Katsuki. 

"But i put you through all that and you still say you love me, why?" He tried wiping his eyes but his heart wouldn't let the tears halt

"I have always loved you even as kids. Seeing you again made me realize that i should've fought harder for us to be together" He said saddened by the sight of Katsuki crying 

"But all that anger wa-" Katsuki was cut off when Kai suddenly embraced him. 

"Come on hermoso stop crying. You didn't put me through anything mi amor (my love) i promise. I did it because i wanted to be with you. I love you, I'll say it a thousand times if I have to" Kai looked down and started wiping Katsuki's face. 

"I think i missed that the most" Katsuki said finally calming down 

"What? Me calling you hermoso?" Kai asked a smile etched on his face 

"No you just being there" Katsuki blushing from embarrassment 

"I can say the same for you" Kai said with a light chuckle

"Yeah i guess so" The two sat in comfortable silence for at least five minutes before speaking again 

"You probably don't want me calling you hermoso anymore" Kai chuckled

"No keep the name i'm used to it" The boy giving a small -i mean small- smile

"Te quiero mucho hermoso (i love you so much beautiful), I always have and always will. lo digo en serio (i mean it)" Kai said finally looking up into Katsuki's eyes 

"I know that already" Katsuki said remembering Kai telling him what that meant as kids

"I'm glad. " He said happily. Kai was happy to be back with Katsuki as the latter felt the same. Katsuki scooted closer to Kai. Now both shoulder to shoulder, and looking into each other's eyes. 

"I'm happy to have you back idiot. Don't ever leave me like that again" He leans his head on Kai's shoulder

"I won't. I promise" Kai holds out his pinky for the other to hold. They clasp pinky and shake. Kai then intertwined his fingers with Katsuki. They sat down against  the wall and continued talking about what they missed. Time started to fly by since they only had an hour for lunch. 

"I can't believe I missed so much." Kai said, looking down at the male lying on his shoulder. He scanned his face looking at how he didn't change too much.

"Yeah well i missed just as much as you did" lifting his head. They were only a couple of inches apart. They were stuck in silence debating if they should continue or not. As they got closer they could only think about how much they loved each other. Just before they could kiss the bell rang for lunch to end and for class to continue.

"I think it's time for us to head back to class now." Kai huffed, standing back up and extending his hand. Katsuki grabbed his hand and pulled himself up. 

"Yeah we should" They released hands and walked side by side to class

A/n- I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I tried to make it kinda emotional. Don't you just love it when people reconnect and reestablish their love 🥺❤

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