Curly and Unpleasant

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*Avery's POV*

It was soaking wet. I had forgotten my umbrella at home so I walked to work in my rain suit. I didn't even know why it was raining, it usually doesn't happen here in Florida especially on summer.

"Good morning Avery!" Dan, my boss, greeted me once I stepped into the diner.

"Hello Dan! Slow morning I see"

"Yeah, this storm has let us out of business all day. I'm starting to think we should close up."

"Hey Avery, you made it! I was starting to think you wouldn't show up because of the storm" Henry greeted me with a smile coming out from the kitchen. Henry is our top chef. Here at Dan's Diner we had two chefs, Henry and John, but for now it was just Henry since John was out sick for the last two weeks.

"Hey Henry! Anything new?"

"Just same old, same old, how is Scarlett?" He asked grinning at the mention of her name. Let me explain... Scarlett is my roommate, she is two years older than me, she is a model and Henry has had a huge crush on her since I introduced them three months ago. Honestly I think his crush is sweet, but I'm getting really tired of hearing her name.

"Oh, she's fine; actually she has a photo-shoot downtown. Maybe you could go visit her?"

"Maybe I will!" he stated smiling. We all stayed silent for a couple of minutes just staring at the empty seats. I knew there was a storm, but still it was odd that no one would come to our diner it was usually packed with people, even if there was a tornado out everyone would be here-My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and shuffling feet entering the diner.

I turn around to see a young man standing at the door. He was about my age, tall about 5'9, brown curly hair and mysterious eyes. He closed his umbrella and put his jacket on the hanger we had placed for costumers.

"Good morning!" he greeted politely. I just stared at him; his piercing green eyes and his Colgate smile made me go weak on the knees-

"Avery! We have a costumer, get to work!!" Dan whispered yelled at my ear interrupting my daydream.

I went behind the counter for my pen and notebook and found Lucy hiding behind the register.

"Oh hey Lucy, I didn't know you were here. What are you doing behind-"

"Shh!!!" she said pulling me behind the register to the floor with her.

"What's wrong?"

"Shh!!! Do you know who that is?" I looked to the direction she was pointing at and saw the guy that walked in earlier.

"Lucy you are eighteen years old, don't you think you're a little too old to be playing this games?" I said getting up only to be pulled right back down. She moved to a box where she kept all her personal belongings she brought to work and got out a Pop Star magazine; she started flipping through the pages.

"What is this?-"

"Shh!! Here!" she yelled, but I covered her mouth once I realized the boy with curly hair was looking straight at the counter. He turned his gaze back at his menu and I released my hand from my best friend's mouth.

"Sorry" she whispered.

"So, could you tell me what this is all about?"

"This!" she said pointing at a picture in the magazine. It read One Direction's Harry Styles is at it again with cougar Caroline Flack.

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