Reunited again

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Branch didn't know where to start. She could be anywhere. Branch held her crown to his chest and closed his eyes. What if he never saw her again. He had to think of something and fast. What would Poppy do? He asked himself. Then he got it. He started digging through the remains of their campsite, looking for anything that would tell where they took her. Ripping apart all the smashed food and ripped tent pieces, he wasn't going to give up. Finally, he came through a heart shaped locket. He opened it up and looked inside. There was a troll with her child. Branch looked at the background of the picture. Instantly he knew where it was. He started running, trying to reach her before they hurt her or worse, killed her.

"Mom please stop this! She's not any harm to us!" Lilac was trying to convince her mom to let Poppy go. Lavender growled in frustration.

"Your soft kiddo. Don't you see? She's probably here to destroy our perfect life." Lilac clenched her fist. Why couldn't her mother just be nice for once. She looked back at Poppy then at the other trolls. They looked miserable. They didn't want to be here just as much as her.

"You mean the life you want us to have? Look around you mom. No one here is happy. I would rather be home with Dad and Poppy. But that doesnt matter to you does it?" Lavender stopped in her tracks and looked at Lilac.

"You're just as selfish as your father." Lilac gasped. She cared about the other trolls way more than her mother did.

"No mom, I think you're the selfish one. You want everything your way and don't care how others feel as you do it. I care more about these trolls than you ever had!" Lavender was furious.

"Maybe you need to be punished just as much as your sister. Put her in the cage too!" The other trolls followed Lavender's command and grabbed Lilac. They knew if they didn't, they would end up like the princesses.

"I'm so sorry princess." The troll says as he threw her in the cage and locked the door. Poppy looked at her with tears in her eyes.

"W.....why did you do that? You were free!" Lilac smiled and put her hand on Poppys shoulder.

"You're my sister. Family stick together no matter what. We will get out of here and then, we will convince mom to come home with us. Then you can make up with that very attractive troll." Lilac nudged Poppy with her shoulder. Poppy giggled and smiled. She thought it was going to be a lot harder to get her sister on her side. Though she wasn't complaining. She was glad to have such an amazing sister.

"Where are we going anyways?" Lilac's eyes widened. Poppy would know exactly where they were hiding the past couple of years. They moved there after the trolls became friends with the bergens.

"I think you'll know when we get there." Poppy looked confused. She watched as the trolls suddenly took the path her and Branch took to go to the troll tree. Could it be? Were they living there this long? Poppy's family was right in front of her and she never knew! Poppy looked at Lilac in shock. Lilac chuckled.

" long have you guys been here?" Poppy could not believe they were in here the whole time.

"Since the trolls and the Bergens became friends. The amount of times we saw a catter bus pass us was ridiculous." Poppy nervously laughed.

"Yea that would have been me." Both girls looked at eachother and snickered.

"Quiet down in there." Lavender snapped at them. Both the girls burst out laughing.

Not that far away, Branch's ears twitched. He heard laughing. He listened very carefully to the sound of the laugh. Was that Poppy? He found Poppy! He ran towards the laughing without hesitation. Suddenly he saw them. Poppy and her sister in the back of the jail bug, laughing. Were they crazy? They should be trying to escape, not laughing! Branch waved his arms, trying to get Poppys attention. She needed to know he was nearby and she was safe now.

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