The Great Escape

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(Before you start this chapter, I would like to address something. I had decided to change up the storyline a bit. Instead of being pregnant Poppy has an egg. It's still twins. Instead of Lilac I changed it to Viva and the brothers exist. And Poppys sister is Viva instead of Lilac. I like this version a lot better and have more ideas that go along with it.) 

Branch and Poppy were sleeping peacefully with each other in the cage. Branch was keeping guard, but his eyes got to heavy, and he ended up dozing off. The sound of Poppy's soft breathing had calmed him enough that he knew as long as they were together everything would be ok. As the two slept together, Viva snuck out of her room in her mother's "palace". She was planning on helping Poppy and Branch escape. But the question was, how? There are so many guards circling the troll tree. She had to come up with something. Though from what she had seen, Branch was better at making plans. Thats it! She snuck over to the cage the couple was sitting in. They looked so peaceful but if they wanted to get out of here, they had to wake up.

"Hey Branch" She whispered. She really only wanted to wake Branch. He had to help her. "Psst Branch" Branch flinched a bit but still didn't wake up. He was a really heavy sleeper. Viva sighed, rolled her eyes and looked around. She grabbed a rock that was nearby and threw it at Branch. It hit him in the head, and he woke up in an instant.

"Ah! What the hell!" Branch rubbed his head and looked around. He saw Viva and groaned in frustration. "What was that for!" 

Viva snickered. "You weren't waking up" She shrugged her shoulders. "Anyways I need your help if you guys are going to get out of here." Branch looked down at Poppy and when he saw she was still fast asleep, he sighed. 

"Oh, so now you want to help us. I thought you were on your mother's side." Branch placed Poppy nicely on the floor with the blanket he had in his hair under her head, so it was soft. He then stood up and crossed his arms. 

"I thought you of all trolls would know a rouse when you see one." Viva scoffed. Branch glared at her. 

"If your so clever then why do you need my help?" His arms where still crossed, and he continued to glare at her. He was not buying this for one second. How was he supposed to trust her when he had just met her, and her mother was evil. 

"Branch please. I just really want to help you and my sister. Believe me when I tell you I am not like my mother." Branch looked between her and Poppy and then sighed again. 

"Ok fine but only because I know Poppy trusts you. What do you need me to help with?" Viva smiled. 

"I need your help coming up with a plan to get you guys out of here. My mom has the tree covered in guards so it's not like I can just unlock the cage and let you guys free." Branch nodded his head. He supposed she was right. They couldn't just try to escape. They would get caught. 

"I suppose we can find some kind of distraction" Branch looked behind him to look at Poppy, but she wasn't there. His eyes widened and he quickly looked around. Poppy came up next to him rubbing her eyes. 

"What's going on?" Branch sighed in relief and turned to Poppy.  

"It's nothing Hon just go back to sleep, ok? You need rest I can take care of this." Poppy looked between Branch and Viva, confused. 

"I'm not getting left out of the plan again." Poppy looked at Branch and crossed her arms. She was putting her foot down and Branch knew that he wasn't going to convince her to go back to sleep. He sighed, smiled and rolled his eyes. 

"Ok fine. I know you're not going to listen anyways." Poppy smiles. She was too tired to laugh due to the fact that she just woke up. She rubbed her eyes. 

"So, what even is the plan?" She asked as she stretched. Branch looked at her and smiled a bit. He couldn't resist her. She was too cute. Viva laughed at Poppy and Branch's banter. She thought the couple where the perfect match. 

"Thats what we are trying to figure out sis" Viva was actually pretty grateful that her sister was awake. Branch would be more cooperative with Poppy in on the plan too. Branch got closer to Poppy and wrapped his arm around her. It was like he was doing it to protect her. Poppy looked up at Branch then back at Viva. She could tell Branch was on edge. Poppy wrapped her other arm around him and squeezed his body against hers. This made Branch smile a bit and loosen up. 

"What is the situation?" Poppy's attention now directed towards her sister as she asked this. 

"Mom has this place covered in guards. It's going to be very difficult to get out. She's guarding the hole that you guys escaped from herself so we can't escape that way either. Unless we somehow distract her......" Branch looked at Poppy with worry. He didn't feel like being stuck here. He had to come up with something to save his family!

"Ok we need to come up with something before we are stuck here." Poppy looked down at the ground. When Branch saw her, he put his hand on her shoulder. "Hey....its ok we will get out of here" Poppy then yanked out of Branch's grip and slammed against the cage door. 

"POPPY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Poppy kept slamming against the door. She stopped for a second and looked at Branch.

"Getting us out of here!" Branch ran over to her and pushed her out of the way before Poppy could object.

"Ok you have our egg in your hair if you're going to do that give me the egg." Poppy quickly handed Branch the egg. Branch held it close to his chest, protecting it with everything he had. Poppy then slammed against the cage door again. This time, she used all her weight and the door opened. They were free! But how would they get out of the troll tree? Poppy grabbed Branch's hand and went to run but something was stopping her. Branch was holding onto the cage door. 

"What are you doing?" Poppy turned to him and tried to pull him again. Branch put the egg in his hair. 

"Poppy are you crazy? We need some sort of plan! I'm not just going to run and risk our babies lives and maybe even ours!" Poppy stopped trying to pull him and turned to look at him. 

"Branch do you want to go home, or do you want to be stuck here?" Poppy looked at him and smirked. She was messing with him, but she also knew the answer to that question. She knew he would prefer to be home safe in the bunker where their egg couldn't get into any harm. Branch sighed. 

"Ok but you have to have some sort of plan. You can't just expect running to get us anywhere." Branch let go of Poppys hand and crossed his arms. He looked at her with one eyebrow raised. Poppy knew he was right. They were sure to get caught if they just ran. 

"Ok then Mister, what do you suggest we do?" Branch looked at Poppy and rolled his eyes playfully.

"We sit here, and we wait for help" Branch sat on the ground, pulled the egg out of his hair and held it close to his chest again. He kind of snuggled up to it, his cheek resting on the top of it gently.

"Thats not how escaping works! You can't just expect us to sit here and some troll-" Suddenly Poppy got cut off by the ground rumbling. Branch jumped up and shoved the egg back in his hair in a protective way not realizing what was shaking the ground at first. When he realized he instantly looked annoyed. 

"Oh no not him-" As Branch said this a giant Armadillo critter came flying out of the ground. It was RHONDA. She landed next to Branch her little tail wagging as she panted. She licked Branch's body and Poppy snickered next to him. The door opened and John Dory, Branch's oldest brother, stuck his head out. 

"Hey little bro. Figured you could use some help." John leaned on the side of the door and crossed his arms as if he was trying to make himself look cool. Floyd, the 2 youngest brothers came out and waved at Branch. 

"Hi Branch!" Branch smiled a bit and waved back. As much as his brothers annoyed him, he was glad the two of them were here right now. He didn't want to admit this though. 

"What are you guys doing here?" Poppy actually seemed exited unlike Branch. 

"Gee I don't know maybe we're like saving your life maybe we're not." Floyd said sarcastically, raising his hands and shrugging. Branch crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, still trying to hide the joy he felt that his brothers came to his rescue. Poppy happily jumped in the air and instantly ran over to Rhonda and the brothers. 

"Wait who are these trolls now?" Viva looked confused. She looked between Poppy, Branch and the brothers. 

"Oh! Veev these are Branch's brothers! Well, some of them." John Dory and Floyd waved, confused looks on their faces. Poppy happily walked over to Branch, who was now standing next to Rhonda and his brothers. 

"John, Floyd, this is my sister Viva!" John's eyes widened. He looked between Poppy and Viva. Floyd however didn't seem as surprised. After all Viva did look like Poppy. 

"Oh my god threes two Poppy Seeds?" Branch laughed and went over to Poppy, wrapping his arm around her. 

"Oh, trust me there is only one Poppy." Branch said in a teasing tone. Poppy smiled and nudged him playfully. Branch playfully rolled his eyes with a smile. The two brothers laughed. Branch cleared his throat and went back to looking serious. He crossed his arms. 

"OK genius. So, if your here to safe us what's the plan?"  Branch gave a snarky smirk. 

"Something about bursting through the door and um......I forgot the rest" John shrugged his shoulders. Branch uncrossed his arms and looked at John confused. 

"But you just did that-" John nodded his head. 

"Yea I know" Branch groaned and crossed his arms again. 

"Ok so what's the rest of the plan?" Branch raised one eyebrow. Poppy stood next to Branch, watching this play out. 

"Um....I don't remember." Branch groaned once more. He put both of his hands over his face and dragged them down his face.

"Ugh your such an idiot!" Floyd looked at both the brothers and then walked between them. He put one hand Infront of Branch and one Infront of John.

"Ok guys no need to argue. We will figure something out." Branch angrily rolled his eyes and turned away from John. Normally, he wouldn't be so annoyed however, when his family is involved, he doesn't mess around. Poppy walked over and put her hand on Branch's shoulder to try and calm him down. Branch smiled a bit however, only Poppy was able to see this. This made her smile. 

Branch sighed and turned back towards his brothers. "So, what is the plan?" Then brothers all looked at each other and nodded. They had to come up with a plan together. And fast before the trolls around them noticed a giant armadillo just sitting there. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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