Chapter 2: New Arrivals

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Rias Gremory and her peerage were sent by her bother, Sirzechs to go out and investigate as well eliminate a nest of rogue Devils who were planning something inside the Gremory Territory in Kuoh. From the reports they had recieved from their fellow Devil, Sona Sitri, the nest was located somewhere in the Kuoh Docks. Not wanting to disappoint her brother or let a group of rogue Devils take over her territory, Rias assembled her peerage and they headed out to the Kuoh Docks. Little did Rias or her peerage know, they were about to encounter something far beyond them.

Abandoned Warehouse, Kuoh Docks: Kuoh

"Why do we have to be out here so late?" Issei asked, shivering a bit

"There's a nest of rogue Devils idiot" Koneko tells Issei

"I get that but are we sure they are here?" Issei asks

"From the reports that both my brother and Sona, the nest seems to be here" I answer

"Okay pres but why can't Sona and the student council deal with it?" Issei asks me

"What's the matter Issei, have a hot date tonight?" Akeno asks Issei jokingly

"He's probably got to get to some dirty mags to jerk it to" Koneko said

"HEY!!!" Issei yelled sounding offended

"Calling it like I see it" Koneko said with a shrug

"Listen Issei, this is my territory and it is my job to keep it safe from intruders who want to take it over" I explain to Issei

"Okay pres, I'm here for you" Issei said, understanding what was going on

After walking along the docks, the six of us came across the abandoned warehouse that Sona's report mentioned

"Looks like we are here" Asia said, looking up at the warehouse

"How many Devils did Sona say were in there?" Akeno asked me

"The report said around 20 but there could be more in there" I answered

"Sounds like fun" Akeno said, licking her lips

"Time to kick some ass" Issei said as he formed his Boosted Gear

"Remember everyone, we don't know what these rogue Devils are capable of" I tell all of them

"Don't worry lady Rias, we'll play it safe till we know what's going on" Kiba said as he formed a sword in his hands

"If anything, they won't be a match for us" Akeno said

"I hope you are right" I reply

As we slowly approached the abandoned warehouse, we stopped when we heard a commotion going on inside

"That doesn't sound good" Koneko said as we saw a flash red light appear from the broken windows of the abandoned warehouse

It was at that moment that we saw a group of three rogue Devils come bursting out of the abandoned warehouse. Something grabbed two of the Devils and pulled them back inside as they screamed.

"That's definitely not terrifying" Koneko said

The last rogue Devil ran towards us with a look of fear and panic on his face

"Help us" the Devil begged as he fell into my arms

"What's going on in there?" I asked the rogue Devil, wanting to know what happened in there

"It's came for us" the rogue Devil said in a panic, not giving me a full answer

"Hey, answer her already" Issei told the rogue Devil

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