The Haunted House

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Written by Cranberry_Jo

Edited by theglitchproject

People say ghosts are a myth. They say it's for weak people who get scared. And then they puff out their chests and brag about their courage, begging for a reminder that in courage, there's no arrogance. But are ghosts really true?

If you asked Jace Washington about it, he would probably lie and say they are and he even saw them. He said that even to his closest friends. So everyone was confused. Was he saying the truth? And if he was, how dangerous was it for them to live in this world.

It started with a cold Tuesday night in Maple Town where the chilling winds seemed to bite those who faced it. Music came from a blue house, where the lawn was covered in plastic red cups filled with alcoholic drinks. In the inside of the house, a disco ball swung and rainbow lights were painted everywhere. Couples did their usual couple-thingy in the couches, some dancing together and a table in the corner was covered in food; a bowl of fruit punch, chocolate fountain, pizzas, burgers and chicken and different other delicacies.

It was surely fun, they thought especially when they were gathered around for a game of truth and dare without having any idea of where the game would lead them.

"Annabelle, truth or dare?" Jonathan asked, amusement clinging to his voice like fresh glue.

"Truth," she finally said, a little bit confused. Her pink hair stuck to her face with sweat and she was certainly tired but she still seemed to be the brightest bulb in the box, at least according to looks, even when drained of energy.

"Who was your first kiss?" the brunette boy asked and Annabelle blushed beet red while everyone present in the room wolf-whistled and cheered.

"Evan Richmond," she whispered, offering a sloppy smile to Evan who was currently beside his girlfriend. Everyone turned to him and the raven boy shrugged, lifting his cup in his right hand.

"That's...quite a surprise. Annabelle who hates jocks and Evan who's a jock?"

"I don't hate jocks, I just don't date them." she offered before clapping her hands. "Now my turn."

The game continued until the question landed on Jace, a platinum blonde with whisks of dry hair on the sides, sipping leisurely. He was usually quiet unless someone came to talk with him and he creeped them out with his ghost stories then. He lifted his head softly, asking what his question was.

"Truth or dare, Jacey?"

"Truth," he answered, without missing a single beat.

"Do you really see ghosts?"Bianca asked warily. There were some people groaning and Jace groaned himself.

"What's the point of asking me if you won't believe it anyway?"

"Because you never tell the truth." Bianca threw her hands up in the air, exasperated.

"I am telling the truth. I really see them. I can even see one behind-"

"Please don't tell me you will say a cliche line like you can see one behind her," Veronica jested and everyone present laughed, some saying stuff like 'burn' and 'savage'.

Jace threw her a nasty glare before asking "It's my turn now, right?" He laughed a little before turning to Veronica again.

"So Ronnie, truth or dare?" he asked in a sing-song voice.

"Dare," she replied confidently and got patted in the back like she was buying a Mercedes or something.

"I dare you to visit the Haunted House of Maple Town and stay there for a night."

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