A mystery story

16 4 0

Written by -ashthxtic-

"Who's phone is ringing?"

You look up, as Mrs Gates, your maths teacher stands menacingly over your class.

"Well? Who is it?"

She walks up to you, and you look confused at first, until you realise that the ringing is coming from your bag. You sigh, and unzip your bag, to retrieve your phone.

"Phone. Now," she says to you, and you reluctantly oblige. She takes and pockets your phone, while also informing you that you (as expected) have an after-school detention.

The lesson continues for about half an hour as normal, until Mrs Gates loudly clears her throat. You glance up again, to see your best friend Alex texting someone.

Mrs Gates approaches them, and Alex sighs and rolls their eyes, but hands their phone over as well.

"Detention for you too. Does anyone else want to have a detention after school today?" Mrs Gates rolls her eyes, and turns back to her lesson.

Behind her back, Alex winks at you, and you can't help but grin. Ever since you both started at the school, it's always been just the two of you. You and Alex, best friends. It's exactly what Alex would do — get a detention just to join you — and you try to hide a laugh.


The rest of the day goes by as usual, and soon, you're walking with Alex to the detention room. You notice that something about your friend seems off — they're more distracted, more quiet — but you don't press it.

The teacher who is scheduled to run the detention today, Mr Fletcher, walks in, and you internally groan. Although Mr Fletcher is a nice teacher, he is notorious for coming up with creative but boring detention tasks, and today is no exception.

"Hello, delightful delinquents! As your wonderful reward today for misbehaving..."

"Oh no..." someone mutters.

"...you will be cleaning the school!"


"You heard me. The cleaners are getting the night off today, and their replacement is you. You have a list of tasks to complete as a group, and once you are finished, report back to me here," Mr Fletcher says.

He digs around in his pocket, and fishes out a piece of paper. He chucks it at Alex, who fumbles with it, and unfolds it. Alex's shoulders slump as they read it, and you take the paper.



- Dust library shelves

- Stack library books

- Empty bins

- Clean classroom desks

- Clean science labs

- Make sure all windows and doors are locked


"But sir, there's so many things here. This will take ages!" one student, Joel, complains.

"Well that's the point! You can't really expect me to let you off scot-free, can you? You did get detention after all, Joel," Mr Fletcher says, and Joel rolls his eyes.

After a pause of silence, you jump when Mr Fletcher claps his hands loudly.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Better start now! Hurry up!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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