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But then I got a second chance. I came to collect mithril but you can be apart of that y/n, a new prophecy comes to be; a new era of peace shall ensue between the earth and my planet just follow me."
"No I won't."  Y/n replied
"Then I guess we are going to need to use force." The king stated, he made no attempt to move towards either of them or reach for his staff, instead he simply let his body become shrouded in darkness. "Prepare yourself y/n." Gaia  warned, holding out both of her hands, the energy within the jewel started swirling around them, and suddenly everything froze around them and Y/n and Gaia were surrounded by a sphere of dark purple and purple crystals.  The crystal sphere expanded as it moved towards Y/n.  Just before it touched her, Y/n threw her hands forward, throwing the sphere back at the King. The crystal ball dissipated and the King slowly backed away, his hands slowly shaking as he looked terrified.  His hands were covered in blood. "Fine then... I'll be back for you."  He growled and turned his back on the couple to teleport away.
"Let's leave-" "No. I need to find Leo first then we leave."
It's so cold...
He shivers, hugging himself tight as he sits alone on his own personal hell. His head is heavy, and it takes all of his effort to keep himself upright as his eyes stay trained ahead of him, his vision blurring into the snow.  It's white and blanketing everything in an aura of pure cold. There's nothing he can do but wait, waiting for the inevitable as he stares off into nothingness in a state of mindlessness where he's trapped forever, just sitting there and waiting for something to happen that will never come. "Leo! Where are you!"  someone calls out in a panic tone. He turns around quickly, only half conscious at first until recognition dawns on him, as always... "Y/n Is that you?" he asks with a strained smile.  A second later Y/n stands before him with concern clear in his face. "I've come here to save you like you saved me at the most darkest times."  Y/n says with a soft smile. The memory of their time together floods his mind, and he feels his cheeks warm slightly. "Now come on let's get out of here."   He holds out his hand, and after a moment, he places his smaller one into it, allowing Y/n to pull him up onto his feet without any resistance. "By the way are you going to introduce this beautiful woman?"   Leo gestures toward the other person
"Oh this is Gaia my grandmother"  Y/n replies.  Gaia smiles kindly down at him, "How lovely to finally meet your friend Y/n, I've been looking forward to hearing much about you" she says in her native tongue.  Y/n blushed embarrassed.
Few minutes later they find there way to the other Hamato family
"You found leo! Thank God!"  Raph said, relieved. "Let's leave this place-" "I'm not done with you yet!" The eldritch roared , and suddenly everyone froze.  Suddenly Mikey was pulled from the ground by a pair of dark tendrils, dragging him along into the snowy woods.  "Mikey!"  Donnie called out after him and turned around to run after him , only for a vine to snap out and wrap itself around his torso, pinning him tightly against the frozen wall.  Leo looked back over his shoulder at his friends/family who were being dragged away by vines, and then back at Gaia who had a sad expression on her face.  She stepped towards Y/n , taking both of hands in hers. "I'm sorry but I need to transport all my energy to you...that means you'll never see me again but it'll keep you safe."   Y/n sighed , nodding, as Gaia placed her hands on top of y/n and closed her eyes, "Ready?" she asked.  Y/n nodded once more, and soon Gaia was engulfed completely in a ball of white light.  Y/n started floating  towards the glowing orb, but before they could reach Gaia the sphere exploded and sent them hurtling backwards. Y/n landed on Leo. "Oof well I least I caught you in my lap"  he laughed weakly, trying to ease the tension between the two. "Thanks.." Y/n whispered breathlessly, leaning over Leo, resting her head on his shoulder, and wrapping her arms around him. "No problem," Leo replied with a small laugh. "Aww so cute to bad I have to end this."  A deep voice interrupted with glee. "You ready to fight in duet style Y/n?" "When the sun don't shine we always rise!"  Leo grinned as he jumped up.  He extended his arm outstretched and held onto y/n tightly with his other hand, with a loud shout the duo sprang back onto their feet, launching themselves into the air, pulled out their weapons, and  charged towards the evil figure that had attacked them.  "Suit yourself!" he yelled as Leo swung his blade at the shadowy figure who dodged effortlessly. They traded blows, the clash of their blades resounding through the trees as the shadows tried to overpower them and force them to reveal what their true form was. Eldritch grew tired of fighting and retreated back into the darkness, disappearing with no trace.   Leo's and Y/n's swords dropped from their hands as they panted for air. "Well...this wasn't so bad huh?" Leo teased softly. Y/n rolled her eyes and shoved him playfully. Hamato family cheered for the duo  who now stood before them triumphantly. "Thank you, Y/n and Leo" Raph said sincerely. Leo smiled sheepishly at the praise. "We're glad to help" he said politely. "What about you Raph? You alright?" Leo asked. Raph sighed, "I just wanna grab a slice of pizza who's with me?"   Everyone raised their hands.   "Sounds good!"  Raph agreed as they made their way into the pizzeria.  Y/n grabbed a seat near the window, and plopped herself down beside Leo, giving him a soft smile.  "Up for new adventure?~"  she sang cheerily. He returned the gesture. "As always~" he smirked.

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