Best Friend... Worst Nightmare!

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It was a day, not too different from any other. Zinnia wakes up, does her usual routine, everything was pretty normal.

She and N eventually made their way down to the lab, with Aster following closely behind them, having a conversation about the ethics of poke balls.

"I just don't think it's right to own another living thing."

"I don't think of it as 'owning' them. I see it as a sort of social contract."

"How so?"

"Even when pokemon are caught against their will, a lot of them kinda just roll with it, ya know? If they aren't happy with their trainers, they tend to rebel, sometimes violently. If all of them were unhappy, wouldn't more of them be like that, since nothing is stopping them? They do what we tell them because they trust our judgement and show them kindness."

"Then why keep them in poke balls? What's the point of those if they aren't meant to keep pokemon in servitude?"

"Oh, they definitely are meant for that. Many people see pokemon as tools. The poke ball was most likely made by those sorts of people for the purpose of keeping them under their thumbs. However, that's not how most pokemon see it. Many are glad to have a trainer. They don't care much about poke balls or what they represent. If anything, they see them as a convenient way to stay by the side of their companion. At least, that's how I understand it."

"Huh... that's how your dragons see you isn't it? I think I understand... still, there's an unhealthy imbalance in authority between trainer and pokemon. That's why pokemon abuse happens in the first place. And then, pokemon who lash out violently are put down or locked up. It just isn't very fair."

"That is something I can agree with, N."

Eventually, they parted ways. N went into the lab, while Zinnia went into the massive aviary-like structure housing all of the pokemon they've caught. As she looked around at all of the pokemon, she spotted Ash and Goh watching Ash's dragonite hug Goh's scyther and stantler.

She chuckled, catching their attention.

Ash spoke up first, excited. "Hey, Zinnia! I didn't see you there!"

The woman smiled at him. "Heh, good morning, Ash. You too, Goh."

The second boy smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Anyway, Ash, take good care of that dragonite. They can be a handful."

"Hah, don't worry! I can handle it!"

Zinnia smirked, picking up Aster.

"I'll go check on my own dragons, then."

She made her way to where the aforementioned pokemon usually hung out, and found them all doing their own thing.

Salamence was basking on the highest rock he could find, something Zinnia found pretty typical for her prideful friend.

Hydreigon was playing with Noivern and Dratini, which Zinnia smiled at. She could tell that those three got along great. She was especially glad to see that Hydreigon seemed happy. She was worried that the trauma Hydreigon went through would be harmful to her mental health.

Next, she saw that Goodra was watching the three play, happy to see the others enjoying themselves, though not interested in actually joining in.

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