Chapter Eleven: First Lesson

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(A/n): I absolutely hate using Canvas for school (if you don't know what that is then you're lucky) I forgot to turn on a class for the calendar and now I have 6 missing assignments.

Also, thanks for 2k views and 100 votes.


Himeko Murata eyed Durandal suspiciously as Durandal returned a guarded stare. Tesla had reassured Himeko that Durandal wouldn't cause any issues for her, but the two still had some animosity from what transpired a while back.

Both turned their eyes towards the door of the medical bay as it slid open to reveal Tesla with everyone trailing behind her.

"Feeling better now?" Tesla asked.

"As good as someone who nearly died could feel" Himeko jokingly replied.

There was some sense of truth in her words, she had been prepared to die in her engagement with the Herrscher of the Void.

Scanning the crowd that gathered around her, she felt touched, Bronya, Tesla, Einstein, Mei, Theresa and Mei were all here to visit her as soon as she awoke.

'Wait a second...'

Himeko noticed that she counted Mei twice, and after doing a double take, rubbing her eyes, and then closing and opening them to try to hopefully find a logical solution to why there were two Mei's before her.

However, something more concerning happened, as a void portal opened in front of her. She tensed up before-



Himeko swung her pillow around and smacked K-423 right in the face.

A string of laughter could be heart from the Mei doppelganger before realizing that no one else found it funny. 

Coughing to try to mask the awkwardness, she reprimanded K-423 instead

"Are you trying to give her a heart attack?"

Looking a bit awkward, K-423 simply responded with "I was just trying to...lighten the mood?" 

Even she herself sounded unsure at this point, while everyone mentally facepalmed and thought,


After Himeko recovered from nearly having her soul leave her body, she and everyone else were finally ready to ask the questions that the author has been putting off for ten chapters and a Christmas special.

"So, to confirm again, you two are from the future?" Himeko asked.

"Yep" future Mei replied.

Looking over to K-423 who was spacing out across from her, Himeko made a suggestion.

"Well, we should probably figure out names to differentiate you from, well, yourselves."

" about last names? I can be Raiden", Raiden pauses for a second to point to K-423, startling her out of whatever train of thought she was having previously, " and she can be Kaslana".

K-423 rose an eyebrow at that, but didn't seem to reject the notion. She did raise a concern though.

"Didn't we already settle on Thunder and Void?"

"I think that they're a bit surface don't always just use your void core and I don't always use my thunder core" Raiden replied. 


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