Extra: Christmas Special

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(A/n): Extra chapter for Christmas. Isn't canon but just for fun.

Also shoutout to VoidWatcher0907 and NintiApocalypse for being my two most frequent commenters this year. Your engagement is much appreciated :)

Anyway, onto the chapter.


"Are you certain that I will not ruin the mood?" K-423 asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure" Mei confirmed for about the tenth time now.

"And plus...I don't think that they would mind that much..." 

Walking behind Mei in a dark and quite decerped corridor, K-423 could only question what kind of friends Mei had made prior to their reunion on the Moon.

Finally, they stopped in front of a glowing door, and Mei gestured for her to go in.

"If I didn't know you better, I would think that this is a murder plot...or maybe it is." K-423 mused to herself as she entered, hoping that Mei had enough decency to not drop her in the middle of the quantum sea, or even worse, in the middle of a HonkaiImpact3rd fan convention.

However, upon entering with Mei behind her, she was instead greeted by a blob of pink hair.

"Oh my! You actually brought her to meet us!" The pink elf in front of her said.

Not waiting for Mei to respond, the elf grabbed K-423's hands.

"I'm Elysia! Nice to meet you!"

The recently identified Elysia lead the two into the main room of sorts, where the rest of the flame chasers were waiting.

'So this is the Elysian Realm...' K-423 thought back to her conversation on the moon with Mei.

"Hey everyone! I brought guests."

Elysia introduced K-423 as Kiana, and then promptly left to "check for more guests".

Now left in a room of people who analyzed her, to say K-423 was uncomfortable was an understatement.

"Um hi, I am Hua"

Suddenly, a hand stuck out from the crowd.

K-423 looked up to see a carbon copy of Fu Hua, which made her raise her eyebrows but also still reached out to shake her hand to be polite.

"Not the same one" she heard Mei clarify from behind her. 

Then Su, Sakura, and Eden also decided to introduce themselves, with Mobius opting to stick to herself instead.

"So you're my descendant."

K-423 now saw eye to eye with a very young Kevin. He had a fairly conflicted look on his face and then just awkwardly walked away.

"He's a bit awkward like that, don't mind it too much."

Mei had gone to the kitchen to prepare food, so Eden decided to help out a bit in between her drinking.

Then, a hand firmly gripped her shoulders. Turning around, K-423 was met with a towering, masked man.

"Hey Herrscher. Fight me."

A bit overwhelmed, she didn't reply immediately.

'Is it appropriate to fight at a Christmas party?' she thought to herself.

But before she could answer, a hand was placed on the man's shoulder.

"No fighting today Kalpas. Go help Mei in the kitchen."

The man seemed to freeze up, before huffing and leaving, revealing the figure that stopped him being a woman in a nun-like garb. 

"I'm Aponia." The woman said, before reaching out to shake K-423's hand and leaving.

'What's with people here and namedropping before leaving? Its almost like the author has no idea how to handle this many characters' K-423 thought to herself.

At this time, Elysia came in again. This time, she led some very familiar faces.

Seele and Bronya froze in place while Sentience exclaimed "Hey! You're here too?".

Not knowing what to do in this situation K-423 offered a weak wave.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Cool!" Sentience said before moving on to bother Hua instead.

As Bronya and Seele, turned to go another direction, K-423 reached out and grabbed her shoulder.

Spinning around, Bronya looked like she wanted to say something before a giant Homu plush was shoved in her face.

"For you."

K-423 had no idea how to give gifts properly in this kind of situation, so she just shoved it into Bronya's arms.

Bronya looked at the plush for a moment before nodding to show her appreciation. Muttering

"Idiotka" before swiftly turning around with the plush held tightly in her hands. 

Seele gave K-423 a smile before following Bronya.

'I guess that's a slight step forward.'


Dinner was a breeze after that, with K-423 being a heavyweight eater she ate a lot, though Kevin wasn't far behind in that regard.

After drinking much more than even her alcohol tolerance, they decided to just open Mei's present as she and K-423 would be leaving early Christmas morning.

Elysia excitedly watched as Mei opened her present and revealed...cat ears.

Mei awkwardly stared at the ears for a moment before they were grabbed out of her hands and shoved onto her head.

The look of bewilderment on her face made Elysia laugh, but when she stopped she realized that someone else was laughing too.

All eyes were now on K-423, who has laughing hysterically having downed an uncountable amount of wine with Eden.

K-423 suddenly realized her actions, and promptly stopped. Mei was staring at her in disbelief before it melted into a smile.

"Looks like you genuinely laughed."

"Hmph, I guess I did."


(A/n): And that's it. It was originally going to be longer but I actually got sick today (which sucks cause it is Christmas eve for me) but I still wanted to get a chapter out.

Anyways, Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, whatever people say these days.

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