Tagged by Jaxxie

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Well we'll we'll. 

We meet again

I've been tagged by Jaxxie (PhantasmagoricalVoid

Here we go:

Two facts about myself

Ummm. I have a discord server (discord.gg/k7fxJy6KYU )

I act

Do you like someone?

No. It drives me mad when my friends ask

Do they like you back

One of my friends has a crush on me. I tease her about it


Piano, and I sing


Irl: one kid called me broadway and I didn't hate it

Online: On NationStates I'm known as Ambis, in Minecraft servers I'm Sirius and on here I'm Darky

What do I hate about a person?

Disrespecting people, and treating me like shit, past a certain point, and not my friend

Lock Screen?

Which one? I have 8.

Fave part of me?

Umm. I like my hair. And I have a good voice

Pic of face (or part of it)

No. Absolutely not. I'm weirdly protective of my identity. Let's get to at least 150 followers before I think about it






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