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Hey peeps. I was tagged by @SayHiToDeathForMe

Fav Horror Movie? I don't like horror

Fav ship? Percabeth and/ Or Solangelo

Fav Character from a musical? Orpheus from Hadestown. Or Hermes. I would love to play Hermes some day

Worst Fear? Death. I don't like the idea of dying. Or natural disasters. The thought that something could just destroy everything...

Crush/ SO? Umm. Yesn't? So, myself and another person do really like each other, like, past the point of a crush, but we aren't dating, and haven't given ourselves a title, so, yesn't.

Fav song? House Without Windows by Roy Orbison rn, but it fluctuates.

Fav Author? Uncle Rick!

People I hate? Trump, the scriptwriters of the PJO movies, extreme christians, rednecks, idiots, Dolores Umbridge.

Sexuality? Straight???? I thiink? Maybe Bi though. I don't think I'm Bi, but the jury is out.

Fav colour? Teal. Vacker teal specifically for you KOTLC fans

Fav Animal? Axolotl

Ever been in love? Yes. I hope that would be obvious enough from previous questions.

Kissed someone? Yes.

Worst mistake? I went out of the house without my phone with some friends and didn't alert my parents. 

Fav peeps? Like, WP or real life?

Last time I cried and why? I don't fucking know.

Alright. I suppose I have to tag someone, so, YOU! Yes you, reading this. If you've read this all the way through, you must follow (if you haven't) Star it, and then repost with your answers! Peace out y'all!

- Darky

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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