Chapter 5: Chocolate for the Dead

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Art from Forever Rain by RM BTS

 Don't look up, or else you'll find the stares of thosewho have outcasted you

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Don't look up, or else you'll
find the stares of those
who have outcasted you...
and it will break you a little more

"The eyes of those who Judge" By Orions_flightless


That night right after Lyra was taken from us was strange, almost lucid. Maybe more of a nightmare if you were to ask me instead of my cousin. Verena had called the number my aunt gave us. And we ended up sleeping at the Leaky Cauldron after the arrest of  Lyra.

Behind the Slytherin Prefect, Kamari dragged her feet with a hushed demeanor. She yawned quietly, clearly exhausted. Stopping in front of the Hogwarts Train, Kamari's gaze shifted to Penelope as she immediately wrapped her cousin in a bear hug.

Hm, although we didn't get a good night's sleep [ like I ever do]

Kamari watched how the blonde Hufflepuff pointed a well-manicured hand to Verena's robe. She paid close attention to Verena's reaction as she smiled upon hearing that her best friend had become a Prefect too.

Too worried that I had forgotten Verena was chosen as Slytherin's Prefect. Better not cause trouble for her. She already has too much to worry about.

Kamari inhaled softly, snapping out of her thoughts when Verena turned her head toward her, a small smile spreading on her lips. A reassuring smile meant for her as Penelope tugged at her arm, urging her to go somewhere. Probably Prefect issues are brewing up that need their attention.

Kamari nodded her head to Penelope, "I'll be fine."


Shut up.

Verena turned back to the Hufflepuff as she finally let herself get dragged away, but not before mouthing to Kamari a small I'll catch up later as she disappeared through the crowd of boarding students. Kamari knew Verena would be busy with Prefect things while trying to be the most efficient witch in her class.

So she didn't want to be a bother to her too much. She didn't want to be a bother to anyone...but what she couldn't tell Verena was that she didn't want to be left alone. People neither feared nor liked her. Whispering students and parents served as a constant reminder whenever she passed by. The situation left her feeling anxious and overwhelmed.


Kamari started counting, attempting to soothe her racing heart as she tapped her fingertips together. Instantly, her mind was consumed by the events of last night. Her father managed to flee from Azkaban, while her Aunt was held for investigation. With her left hand, she reached up and tightly gripped the baggy hoodie she had on. She clasped the fabric close to her sternum, her knuckles paling from the pressure.

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