Chapter 1 ✧ ˚ · .

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3 Days...

The whole group was at the café and we were discussing what we would do at the fireworks festival.
Originally we were going to preform, but all the performance spots were taken. That left us to figure out other plans. Toya brought up the idea that we could just go as a group, but An and Kohane decided to have a date at the festival. That left me and Toya to figure out what we were doing.

I'm kind of panicking since this meant that we'd be alone. That would be normal, if I didn't have a crush on him. I have recently been slipping up and have almost told him, but I just can't.

Ruining the relationship that we have would sound like complete hell. Being in close proximity to him just makes me want to confess, which means I have to avoid and suppress the feelings when our 'hangout' as Toya calls it, happens.

"Aki ?"
"Aki !"

"HUH ?"

"You spaced out while I was talking."

"Oh, I'm sorry please continue."

"It's ok, anyways-"

We made the plans official and decided where we were going to watch the fireworks go off, since we'd go to concessions earlier on. We said our good bye's and headed out of the shop. Toya offered to walk me home, but I declined since it was already later than his curfew.

One the way back the thought of watching the fireworks on the roof of his house sat heavily on my shoulder. We would be alone and quietly waiting for the fireworks to start. The time between the set up and waiting could be to much time, I could slip up and tell him. At this point he had gotten home, I entered quietly and grabbed my dinner off the counter and headed upstairs.

It was digging at the back of my mind since the stray of this week. i wanted to tell him how he felt, but loosing Toya was to much of a daunting thought for me to do so.

I needed help.

Who could I dump this need of relationship advice to? Not An she would just give me unhelpful advice, and not Ena she'd go to over the top. I couldn't dwell without on the topic to long before getting overwhelmed. I decided to take a walk in the sekai.

"Hm ?"
"Ah, Akito ! What brings you here ?"

That's it!

"I need help with something personal"

"Oh,sure! Go ahead let me grab a tea and you can tell me what's wrong."

She soon came out with a cup and sat next to me with a cup of coffee.

"So, what's on your mind hun?"

"I have a crush on Toya and I want to confess to him at the firework festival." The words just spilled out of my mouth, tried of being held back in my throat.

"Ah, I understand. You need a bit of advice to fess up,huh."

"Yes, well a bit is an understatement."

She giggled and nodded. It felt weirdly therapeutic to just tell someone about how I felt.

"I can give you the advice that helped me tell KAITO, and you can take what you feel is needed in your situation."

She then began her story of how she confessed and what helped her. She found that confessing through a note would help with her fear of messing up and giving the wrong message. It felt so nice to hear how similar out situations were. I took mental notes of what I would do and began to make a plan with her.

Tomorrow I would come back at the same time and we would start to write the letter and go over everything.

The only payment was that I had to let her see how it went.

End of Chapter 1... ✍︎︎
Words - 639

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