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Both of the two brothers's hearts has been racing, when they had reached the wardrobe, Wales had instructed them to find. And they kept on doing that, all until they heard footsteps, coming from outside.
Then their hearts almost stopped.
The steps came closer and closer, until they were right outside the wardrobe.
"... England...? Ireland...? Are... Are you two in there...?" Wales's voice asked. Two sighs of relief were heard inside the large piece of furniture, and almost immediately after that, its doors opened, and England and Ireland stepped out.
At first, everyone were just happy at the outcome this had had.
England was here.
Ireland was here.
Wales was here.
"... Where is Scotland?" The blond Englishman asked, after noticing that one of his older brothers weren't there. "Wales? Why isn't he with you?"
The Welsh got a grim look on his face, as Ireland noticed the lack of their Scottish brother's presence, and took a step backwards, glaring suspiciously at the oldest one. "Aye... Where is he? Did you leave him!?"
"Of course I didn't leave him!" Wales growled in disgust, and shook his head. "To your information, I don't want any of my brothers dead!"
"Well? What happened then?"
"... I..."
"Come on! Out with it!"
"He... He stayed behind... He wanted to give you two... To give all of us, a better chance of getting away... He refused to let me help him..."
Both of the youngest nations's eyes widened in shock, and soon, they were filled with tears.
"... No... No that..." England whispered, and shook his head. "... So... That... Th-thing... It got him...?"
Wales nodded solemnly. "... I'm sorry..."
"... I-I don't get it..." Ireland stuttered, falling to his knees. "... He... He was so scared... Why did he change his mind...?"
"He... I think he saw how hopeless it was... And... Realised he'd slow us down..." Wales mumbled quietly. "... He did it for us..."
"... G-God bless him..." The Englishman wept, and grit his teeth.
Wales nodded carefully, and along with his remaining brothers, some moments were set aside, for tears and for grief.
"... He was Scotland th-the brave, t-till the end..."

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