Chapter One: The Visitor

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Nestled in the Outer Rim - a band of space where most worlds were either plains or volcanic land - the planet of Nevarro lies between the known worlds of Tatooine and Mustafar. Nevarro itself calls home the base of the volcanic canyon that separates plains from lava. A Mandalorian, tired and aching for rest, had set course for Nevarro through hyper-space and locking it into autopilot. Had it not been for an extraordinary encounter which grows more frequent with every bounty, he would have normally attributed it to his age. Months have passed since the confrontation on Moff Gideon's cruiser, the calendars indicate a new year had come. Yet he was still deeply troubled since the day he and Grogu bid an emotional farewell.

The Mandalorian, who existed in the fabrics of space and time as a mere bounty hunter lands in Nevarro. Carrying only a light sack for his belongings, he journeyed through the shipyard and through the settlement returning to his room at the local inn. An understanding with the owner of the inn and the detached cantina whenever the man was in town. This is his first time in months since he's been back on-world, though nothing remained for him anymore. His child is one thing, but since his Tribe revealed themselves and defended him, they too have left the world in favor of another to retain their secrecy. No other Mandalorian walked on Nevarro other than him.

He's noticed another change since the confrontation and the loss of Grogu: children, who once feared the Mandalorian and would hide behind their family, now approach him and speak to him without care on the many worlds he walked during a bounty job. Many adults apologize and pull their children away, warning them to leave warriors like him alone. And this night was no different. Perhaps the energy, the Force within Grogu, let other children know that Mando was a friend. He himself was especially in need of a friend at this time.

A boy and a girl, siblings he presumed, approached him as he sat at the far side of the inn with his helmet raised just enough for him to drink. It was quickly pulled down once he saw what was in store. They ask him about Mandalorians, Mandalore, the works. And like always, they ask about the helmet. But unlike the past where he would've remained silent or taken his leave, Mando spoke with them. He explains a creed is like a promise. They counter that some promises are meant to be broken or accidentally are. Mando counters that this is like a pinky promise, an unbreakable promise in his faith, and the children instantly get it. They then question what Mandalorians believe in. They have heard of a weird new religion about "the Force", Mando tells them it's actually very old and practiced by Jedi. They ask him what he knows. The bounty hunter knows little but is learning more. Growing up is about learning new things, be it good or bad. The children smile and have a twinkle in their eyes, having enjoyed speaking to him.

Marshal Cara Dune enters the inn and joins Mando, smirking as she sees children speaking with him and waves them off to return to where they came from.

"I'm good with children now." The Mandalorian shrugs. It's like all children know, no matter where he goes, and they see him as a friend.

Cara sits across from him and they catch up, Mando tells her about the jobs he's thrown himself in since that day. Cara tells him of her own experiences: holding off Bo-katan Kryze long enough for him to escape, Bo-katan declaring Cara as an enemy and trying to fight her.

"Now that I'm a full Marshal, it was pretty easy to throw her name on a wanted list" Cara smirks. Their foe won't bother them if she knows what's good for herself. Other than that, business as usual.

At night, the inn's owner flags down and informs Mando that his time has come. He nods, rising from his seat, and heads outside. For the volcanic region it resides in, Nevarro is host to a nearby sight to behold and experience: the Twi'lek healing baths. Normally in the past, the Mandalorian would steer clear. A bath house, outdoor springs, they were far too intimate and revealing for his nature. However, it was the first time he was on-world since defending Nevarro from Imperial remnants. Many months have passed but the people have not forgotten. Magistrate Greef Karfa never stopped singing his praises for his legendary bounty hunter which certainly helped Mando's reputation. A deal was arranged between the inn's owner and the Twi'lek who operates the baths. They give Mando a sole hour in a private bath house, away from other guests and curious eyes. It appeared a small token of gratitude to outsiders. Yet he greatly appreciated what was offered. It appeared to him more than the local children decided to learn more and be open about Mandalorian culture. One aspect of it anyway.

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