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Mystery pov

I throw her into the back of my car and I put my keys into the ignition and I speed off into the night.
"I have her, over" I speak into my headpiece.
"Change of plans, meet us at the secret headquarters" Cristina explains.
"Roger that"
I step on the pedal and the speed I'm going at reads 140.
Soon enough I hear sirens blaring behind me.
"Pull over, I repeat pull over" the cop demands through his speakers.
How embarrassing.
The car halts to as atop and the cop walks up to my car.
"Good evening miss" he greets.
"Hello?" I nod my head.
"I have some questions to ask" he explains.
"Go ahead" I laugh.
"Are you drunk?"
"How old are you"
"So your under aged to be driving.."
He writes down on a piece of paper.
"Place of birth?"
"Do you have anything in your back seat?"
"Do you mind me checking?"
"No not at all sir" I fake smile.
I'm in so much trouble.
He lifts open the trunk and gasps.
He yells into his walkie talkie.
I jump out of my seat and I grab my hand bag.
Inside I have werewolf tranquilizers, I hope they also work on humans because if they don't To jail I go.
I reload the gun and I shoot him with a tranquilizer.
He thumps to the floor.
"Not to bad" I smirk and say to myself.
Right before I can jump back into my car I see many police cars surround both ends of the road.
There is no way of escaping.
"Kneel down!" One cop says and points a taser At me.
I kneel down.
"Hands above your head!"
I put my hands above my head.
I messed up, they are going to regret Hiring me.
Before I know it the same cop handcuffs me and throws me in the backseat of his car.
I take one last glance and I see them take hann-her on a stretcher and the move her into an ambulance.
As soon as they drive away we speed off following behind them.

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